
thiscroockedcrown.tumblr.com #magick thiscrookedcrown.tumblr.com


Seriously. Stop fucking assuming you have to. It’s not a fucking requirement. You do NOT need it to talk to your gods. You do NOT need it to talk to spirits. It’s NOT fucking necessary. You aren’t part of a super special fucking club if you do it. You’re just a fucking practitioner who uses astral travel.

I’m seeing a HUGE increase of people wanting to travel but they have no BASIC FUCKING UNDERSTANDING of how to do SUPER FUCKING BASIC THINGS like PROTECT THEMSELVES. Let me fucking tell you. If you can’t protect yourself and your home and/or cleanse and/or exorcise it then maybe you shouldn’t be fucking traveling. Because something is MORE THAN LIKELY going to follow you back. Gods might follow you back. Goblins might follow you back.Creatures that create nightmares and PHYSICALLY ATTACK you might follow you back. What the fuck will you do then? 

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