
www.VoteForJesus.INFO #fundie voteforjesus.info

Aren't religion and politics supposed to be kept separate?

Impossible! Politics is the expression of religion. It is the outward working of the inward belief system.

The myth that religion and politics are to be separated is a lie fostered to protect official government religions, which pretend that they aren't religions.

Besides, Christianity isn't a religion.

Anonymous #fundie voteforjesus.info

Besides, Christianity isn't a religion.

[Christianity isn't a religion?]

Not at all. At least, not like others. This can be seen by looking at the words we use for modern religions: animism, buddhism, hinduism, taoism, mohommedism, judaism, communism, capitalism, humanism, secularism, conservatism, liberalism, libertarianism.

What do these words all have in common? They are all isms. An ism is an ideology, a world view. It is a lense which filters all we see to conform to the lense we have chosen.

Christianity is not an ism.

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