
Edward Feser #crackpot #fundie #wingnut whatswrongwiththeworld.net

[On late-term abortionist George Tiller]

Do I seriously mean to suggest that Tiller was as bad as Dahmer? No, because Tiller was almost certainly a more evil man than Dahmer was. There are at least five considerations that favor this judgment.

First, Tiller’s victims were more numerous than Dahmer’s.

Second, Dahmer expressed remorse for his crimes. Tiller never did.

Third, and relatedly, Dahmer was apparently fully aware that what he did was evil, while Tiller pretended, to himself and others, that what he did was not evil. Some might think that such self-deception lessens Tiller's moral corruption, but in fact it exacerbates it. A man who knows that what he does is evil but does it anyway is corrupt; a man who has become so desensitized to the evil he does that he can no longer even perceive it as evil is even more corrupt. ...

Fourth, and again relatedly, Dahmer was evidently to some extent acting out of compulsion. ... Tiller’s murders, by contrast, were committed openly, and resulted from no compulsion at all. … If Dahmer was a miniature Caligula, Tiller was a poor man’s Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot.

Finally, Tiller added to his already unspeakable crimes the grave sin of blasphemy, insofar as he was (we now know) a churchgoer who evidently regarded his obeisance to Moloch as fully compatible with the religion of Jesus Christ. To my knowledge Dahmer never had the temerity to claim that a good Christian could be a cannibal.

This side of the grave, we are, mercifully, spared the knowledge of who is in Hell. As a Catholic, I pray for Tiller’s soul, as I pray for Dahmer’s. But it would be foolish to think it at all likely that either man died in a state of grace. Still, I’d give Dahmer better odds than the other, greater monster.

Lydia #fundie whatswrongwiththeworld.net

[re a draft law in Tasmania which makes counselors opposed to abortion refer pregnant women they advise to a counselor with a different opinion]

Referring a woman who is still making up her mind or even is positively looking *not* to abort to a pro-abortion counselor just to discuss her pregnancy and her "options" with her, when she originally came to a pro-life counselor, gives a whole new meaning to the word "diabolical." This could be a woman who is undecided, not even going to a doctor seeking an abortion, and the law is requiring any "counselor" to be sure she gets the pro-abort spiel. Incredible.

Gian #fundie whatswrongwiththeworld.net

stop being such a wimp and support armed rebellion and revolution.
This is what it ultimately entails. The 1950's style individualism is inadequate to
the (self-appointed) task of fighting the 10th crusade.

The cry of political equality is born of Envy, as the cry of economic equality. The cry of weak, the slothful and deficient men. As there shall always be rich among men, there shall always be rulers among men.

The Church, when it came to power, closed down the pagan temples. She extinguished religious liberty whenever and wherever it attained power. For She is a Ruler. The only difference from a Moslem or a Communist State is that Church is the True Ruler.

Thus why the horror of burning books?. Singer's books should be burned. Church in Her heyday would have burned Singer himself.

I say again, to homeschool is an act of sedition against the State. For the State is not defined by violence (as libertarians falsely) maintain but by reason. And to teach a child to reason contrary to the State is to rear a subversive.

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