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Miriam Delicado/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy

In 1988, Miriam Delicado had a contact experience with Tall Blonde extraterrestrials who told her they were involved in the creation of humanity and rescuing large numbers of humans at the end of different historical ages. She described the ends of the First, Second and Third Worlds where human civilizations were wiped out by cataclysms due to the dangers they posed to the planet in developing advanced technologies without the right ethical understanding. Delicado said the Tall Blondes intervened in huge spacecraft (aka space arks), to take large numbers of humans off the surface to the safety of outer space, the bottom of oceans, or Inner Earth, to wait out the cataclysmic surface events. The Tall Blondes, she pointed out, are very different to the “Tall Whites” encountered by Charles Hall at Nellis Air Force Base in the 1960s.

After her profound contact experience, Delicado was approached by Men in Black and other organizations who wanted to recruit her to different official government programs so they could better understand alien technologies. She said that the contact enhanced her psychic abilities, and she was invited by a secret Russian organization to join a psychic community, where she would be trained and be among “her kind”.

In her firs Exopolitics Today interview, Miriam Delicado discusses her incredible contact experiences, the life-changing events that happened afterward. She also discusses the dangers that lie ahead as humanity enters the End Times where confusion and corruption abound, and critical thinking is compromised in ways that are very similar to the end of Atlantis.

Thor Han Eredyon via Elena Danaan #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick

On April 11, 2024, government officials and military leaders from several Earth Alliance member countries met in secret to discuss a plan of action against the Deep State. The U.S. White Hats were there, as well as Putin, some representatives from Iran, and from “secondary power” Islamic states that have recently joined the Alliance, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among many others.

The Earth Alliance has been preparing to overthrow the Deep State for some time by buying back Islamist countries, such as Egypt, that were financially dependent on the Deep State’s banking overlords. When these countries regained their independence from the Deep State, they joined the Earth Alliance and switched sides.

This is not just a war between two countries; there is a deep and complex silver lining. The Iran-Israel conflict is just the tip of the iceberg. The reality behind it is about a deal. The Earth Alliance is trading a list of things, including: the Deep State and its assets leaving Ukraine and giving it away. When diplomacy didn’t work as expected, the second step was the scare tactics. However, the situation is more complex than that. Iran doesn’t want to get into a war; it’s just playing the threat to get the Deep State to back down on the terms of this multi-level deal.

If tragedy strikes, it will not be at the will of the Earth Alliance, but as a result of the resistance of the old paradigm. The dark institutions that have ruled this planet have lost their off-world support, and they would rather destroy everything in their fall than surrender. Therefore, deals have been worked out to avoid chaos and death.

These meetings and the decisions that have resulted from them have been made by the Earth humans in charge. We can only wisely advise and assist in critical situations, which we have done and will continue to do diligently, but the future of Earth is in the hands of the Earth’s people. You are not alone.

T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.

JP/Dr Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy

JP conducted another covert mission to an underground colony of Ant People where he had previously met its King and saw human refugees whose ancestors had been given sanctuary centuries earlier. JP says that his latest mission was to discover what had happened to the Ant People who had disappeared, according to military reports. When JP and his four military companions entered the Ant People colony, they were greeted by humans wearing similar robes to the Ant People. JP’s team was told that the Ant People had left for another realm, and the humans had remained behind to take care of the former colony.

When JP eventually met with some of the Ant People, he was told that the Ant King had transitioned and that a new king, who had just awakened, was now in charge of the Ant People, who had moved to a new realm. JP believes that the new king was the sleeping giant he had seen in an earlier mission to a separate underground Ant People colony near Florida’s Ponce de Leon Springs State Park, which appeared to possess a Tree of Life. It was speculated that the awakened giant was the mythical Ningishzida (aka Thoth, Quetzalcoatl, etc.), who was the Ant People’s new king, and now presided over a new realm that was located in a higher dimension.