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Bryan Starr #fundie #pratt #ableist

Because atheists' are by definition learning disabled and dullards.

They can't even think that big to begin with. They think the movies Prometheus and Frankenstein are based on true stories.

Now that science is starting to refute Neverbiogenesis and Neverlution they'll be saying it was aliens that are our creators lol.

Anything but God you know.

They always toot their horn that they're so smart while believing that jello came alive one day from a lightning bolt hitting a mud puddle and then the jello compiled its own DNA from nothing and then populated the world with plants and animals lol.


Bryan Starr #fundie #pratt

Atheists attack Christianity, and not other religions, because they already know God exists and who He is.

Their irrational anger and hatred is evidence that they know God exists.

Why would anyone be angry at a Being who doesn't exist?

They demand proof when it is literally right in front of them.

The other evidence is that they accept abiogenesis and macroevolution without ever questioning it. Even though there is no evidence for abiogenesis or macroevolution.

Why do they never question abiogenesis and macroevolution?

Because they are the pillars upon which their delusion depends on.

They are already living a lie to begin with, so a few more can't hurt; especially if they support their position, even without evidence.

What a terrible existence for them, is there any wonder they are so angry?

Olaf D - "The Men in the Arena" #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger

calling one historic tribe Germanic and the other not, is based on what ? Material culture or modern Germany's wishful thinking and nation building myths with supporting historiography.

DNA studies of historic samples blowing these myths apart.

For example suevi or svevi were not what those German pseudo historians would want you believe And people before them knew it very well that.

R1a presence predates R1b on territories from Rhine to Vistula collectively called Germania. Before Catholic crusade to conquer and convert fellow Christians and ostsiedlung.
But we are till present day trapped in this late XIX-th century nationalistic chauvinism designed to grant Germans a historic reign over their imagined lebensraum, by denying peoples (that turned out via genetic testing of today to be by en large the autochtons on the land contrary to German theory making Slavs appearing out of blue from somewhere else, presumably swamp) their history, and right to their homeland.