kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #wingnut

I’ve been noticing the later it gets, the more evil is going on. It is depressing how often incidents and crimes happen, but in the big city, what else can you expect? God didn’t create us to live all squashed together in megacities like New York or LA. No, He intended for us to live spaced out, in rural areas and farms and wide open spaces. This is because He wants us to work for a living and not parasite off of government handouts like so many unfortunately do.

Now before you attack me and defend your logic that you need this assistance, hold on a second. I too receive benefits from the government, specifically the Department of Veterans Affairs, because I am the surviving spouse of a veteran and it is an award that I receive monthly for that reason only. I am talking about people who milk the government for funds and assistance because they’re too lazy to get up off their rear ends and find a job. They’re the ones who have children out of wedlock and get food stamps because they can’t keep their pants up. Yeah I’m telling it like it is. If you are able-bodied and refuse to work, the Bible says you shouldn’t eat. I didn’t write it, I just preach it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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