Poster: Bob Johnson...For the edification of whomsoever may, including you...I share the following, regarding the SABBATH...
Colossians 2:16 "Let NO man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the SABBATH days:"
What the above Scripture is teaching and helping us to understand, is that we should NOT let any man judge us about ORDINANCES that were NAILED to the cross with Christ Yeshua/Jesus. GOD is NOT a Respecter of persons, He has a Plan and you are part of that Plan. This chapter has been steering you away from the TRADITIONS of men, that make "none effect" or void, The Word of God, (Mark 7:13) and into what is REAL in HIS Word. We are NOT to allow any person to judge us on those things that GOD has ordained us to be eaten and drunk. A holy day is a feast day that has been set aside just for worship, or for worshiping or respecting any day over another.
All Christians should take the time to learn the DIFFERENCES as to Laws, Statutes and Ordinances. It would help them to better understand, and rightly divide God's / Christ's Holy Word.
"SABBATH" in the Hebrew tongue means "REST" or "ABODE". Hebrews chapter four makes it very clear that CHRIST YESHUA / our REST EVERY DAY of the week. Do NOT put one day above another in respecting Christ, for we are required to put Christ FOREMOST every day of our lives.
The "new moon" is going by the moon calendar, the calendar of Satan...and faithful believers of GOD/CHRIST YESHUA, are NOT children of the night, BUT of the day. Christ Yeshua is The LIGHT of this troubled world. All places in the Scriptures concerning and given in moons [or months] pertains to Satan and those that follow him, and those given in days and years pertains and apply to the children of God/Christ, Whom is the LIGHT. When you become a child of God, you should REST in Christ Yeshua EVERY DAY of the week, and respect ALL days alike.
Colossians 2:17 "Which are a SHADOW of things to come; BUT the body is of Christ."
This is exactly what those old feast days were...a SHADOW of the things to come. What is given in times, moons, feast days and sabbaths of OLD are EXAMPLES, a SCHOOL TEACHER of what Christ Yeshua/Jesus would BECOME. Christ Yeshua/Jesus is our PASSOVER (1 Corinthians 5:7). HE BECAME AND IS our HIGHEST SABBATH. HE IS OUR REST or ABODE.
I've already shared, that it is up to an individual to believe...or not to believe in their God-Given FREEWILL. God/Christ Yeshua is NOT going to FORCE anyone to believe in Him...and neither should we. That is an individual's CHOICE. FREEWILL does NOT at all mean...FREE of Consequences from The Ultimate Judge, our Heavenly Father. And that's whether one believes in God/Christ or NOT. I would RESPECT an individual's CHOICE. However, I do expect RECIPROCITY.
GOD/CHRIST YESHUA JESUS IS REAL. He is The Living Word, that became flesh and walked amongst us. John 1:1-15.
As for me and my house, we CHOSE to BELIEVE & FOLLOW Him. For it is written that CHRIST YESHUA/JESUS is The ONLY Way, Truth and Life...HE is The ONLY SALVATION and Way to Life Eternal in our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, as I've already shared previously.
You've ended your comment by stating: "You capitalized “ALL”, therefore it would appear that both homosexuality and football on Sunday are okay. And it might be noted that both groups continue without asking for forgiveness or planning on repenting."
You may need to go back and REREAD exactly what I've shared...WITHIN CONTEXT this time...cause what I've stated is being grossly misconstrued. It's there for everyone on this forum to see what "ALL" is referring to.
It's certainly yours or anyone else's believe as you or they wish in that God-Given FREEWILL.
I have nothing further to state on this subject. Take it up with the LORD, should you have any further, rebuttals, questions or refute.
May God continue to bless, lead, guide, direct, touch, prosper, heal, protect and comfort...ALL those that put their Rest, faith and trust in Him, in Christ Yeshua/Jesus Precious Holy Name...