Various incels #fundie
Why do men hate ugly men?
I understand why women hate ugly men. But why do men hate us, too? Why are they programmed like that? There has to be a biological/scientific reason behind that behaviour.
They do that because foids do it,and their bluepilled brains think that will help them get laid
They hate whatever women hate. Why do you think men rip into men who have small dicks so much? Most men are complete slaves to women and just do their bidding, even a lot of the ones you'd think were chads.
To clear gene pool.
(Napoleon De Gesu)
Men hate unmanly men
Because ugly = bad genes = weak, unreliable in a tribe
because most of them are faggots who want to suck chad's dick
from what i've seen they try to pick on us in order to get foids to laugh and thus get foid attention.
I think it's fear.
Like they fear a drop in their "social credit" score. Or something.
Conforming, hoping the foids in their vicinity will see their "alpha dominance" (srs). Red pillers say to do this all the time.)
Because status.
Normans hate those of low status and they'll do their best to differentiate themselves from you whether it comes in forms of bullying you, socially excluding you, ostracising you, neglecting you, avoiding you, mocking you, etc etc.
They don't want to associate themselves with low status people because they:
1) think of themselves as better
2) don't want their norman peers to think less of them