As I stated, as they eliminate the biological aspect-they being pro-homo and "convinced" it is a hereditary or biological trait- it leaves wide open the environment as being a FACTOR and not soley the reason. Who said over-mothering was the culprit? Why not an immasculating woman? Preferably the type of woman who bought into the 60s/70s womens lib(lib means liberal) movement. It is gonna reveal that the very perfect liberal woman is the leading FACTOR in boys becoming queer. They are already realizing it and setting up the WOMB as being the fault and not the WOMBman, most assuredly the liberal woman. Hatred for the fetus, setting up hatred for the womb, which is the biological problem with homosexuality. I suppose the cure will be to encourage women to get historectomies which will thus encourage more homosexuality which will then make homosexuality mainstream/de-stigmatized. The United States of homos, boy if we arent popular as a nation now, just wait until that dream is realized. WE will be the envy of the entire w
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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