Malevolent Grimace #transphobia

Harbinger of Kali Yuga said:
"This also has consequences for the right wing postulating that transgenderism is a metal illness that should be treated as such. The problem is, if transgenderism is a result of development after wonky hormonal shit goes down or whatever, their brain structures, possibly, may have permanently developed this way. So if (true) transgenderism is indeed a true biological phenomenon then there's nothing that can be done but accept them as they are."

Yeah, and I must say that my issues with the trans movement were much less prominent about a decade ago, when the argument was more about allowing people to present how they wanted to, maybe some hormonal support for passing, and there were major debates as to whether or not SRS was actually a help or a harm. I actually remember participating in debates at the time where trans women said that they felt pressured into bottom surgery, and they would not have chosen it. That idea is basically taboo now. So yes, my main concerns are 2:

1) Advocating for permanent surgical alterations as the preferred solution to people experiencing gender dysphoria (if even that, as true GD diagnosis is apparently gatekeeping now). Current sex reassignment surgery is incredibly destructive to the body, and irreversible. People are being lied to when they are told that a neovagina is equivalent to a real vagina, and the results that people are getting (even if they are "satisfied"), result in a permanent medicalization that I don't think can be justified except for in extreme harm reduction circumstances. I also don't think that offering children the option to medically transition is a good idea, I don't think they have experience or knowledge to make such a decision so young. Even puberty blockers are problematic, because as people like Jazz Jennings show, permanent sterility and an inability to experience sexual pleasure are the expected outcome of preventing puberty.

2) unwillingness to face the potential multiple origins of gender dysphoria and the trans identity.



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