"Animals can’t consent"←And earth can't be spherical, right?
Scientific evidence on animals mating rituals and language shows that they can consent to sex. Zoosexual porn also shows animals consenting to sex with humans.
Zoosexuality is not a mental illness, it can't be cured.
Legal consent, doooooofus.
Animals and children cannot sign contracts, no matter how much they agree or appear to agree.
Also, the ability to cure, or control, a condition is not part of defining it as a nental problem.
Mating rituals .
If the female isn't interested, then no amount of strutting about, displays etc will make the male think he has the right to mate with her: and if even animals know this: thus it's not just the flat headers' stupidity that's destroyed.
But at least it's not illegal to be stupid.
Duck rape gangs. Moose, please, don’t use fallacy to defeat a fallacy. Fact is we have certain criteria for a legal consent ability and that is precisely why we have our morality set as such on the matter. It’s currently set as best we know for our species, as of date and that’s all there is to it.
I could tell you all about how the seven tenets of the Temple make sex without consent one of the greatest crimes of all but it’s just a religion I follow in the end, so it should not figure into a neutral discussion.
True, but ducks aren't, say, Lyrebirds: or Peacocks. They were some of the species I was referring to.
If you can't communicate with your intended any claim of a deep connection is just personal fantasy you can't verify. The simple fact that you try to speak *for* the one you want to stick your genitals into makes any claim of connection let alone intelligent or informed consent a farce as you make it clear their opinion is actually immaterial to you. You're just taking anything short of mauling you to death as a sign of assent.
You exclusively desire those you speak for and not with. That is an attraction that is inherently predatory and therefore indefensible. When animal species are capable of communicating independently with humans you may approach that sham of an argument without deserving a slap in the face but I suspect you will be far less interested in sleeping with animals when that day comes.
Were you really just talking specifically about these bird species?
...that, and the times I've seen on the documentary series "Monkey Life" where the Alpha male has tried to mate with unwilling females: and the others - including the senior ones - have gone to defend the one who didn't want his advances.
They being the Chimpanzees .
Animals cannot give informed consent, period. (One or two species possibly could, if we could actually communicate complex ideas back & forth reliably, but most cannot.
Also, being able to cure something is not a qualification for being classified as a mental illness; schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and a host of delusional disorders have no cure, but they’re still mental illnesses.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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