For those who have still not understood that Russia Today RT is a Putin and (((zio-occupied Russia))) shilling anti-white thus pro-jewish platform, here is the undeniable proof:
A Jewish author who infiltrated White Date as a fake user desperately tries to vilify our harmless traditional white dating site by finding strictly … nothing nasty.
It was probably himself who created this natzeee esthetic venerating group to pretend that our respectable members are all ‘Nazis’. But what does ‘Nazi’ mean nowadays ? Seems to have become a synonym for ‘White’. Who knows, with the boomerang effect, this dirty word without clear meaning might one day even turn into a compliment.
Reading thought the article one cannot miss noticing that there are inserted images linking to other RT articles about murderers (white or (((fellow white))), I cannot tell) that have absolutely NOTHING to do with neither white dating, nor white people building families and traditional communities, nor white people networking to talk freely about with their cultural and racial roots. Russia Today /Charlie Stone just tries to associate white interests with ‘evil’ to create a subconscious negative connotation in the reader’s mind.
Luckily, the comment section adds some sanity to this page of unqualified and dishonest journalism. People are easily capable of seeing throught his anti-white propaganda piece. Enjoy 🙂
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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