Baby Benjiman #homophobia

(=Talking about a gay man Mr. Fred Rogers was friends with=)

Baby Benjamin: Because what people do in private should have nothing to do with how you treat them. Mr Roger's and all true Christians believe homosexual behavior is a sin against God as well as all sex outside of marriage. The point is they have to answer to God after death seizes us all and we are brought to judgement. The job of a Christian is to treat everyone with love, respect, and to tell the truth even when it hurts and others will hurt you for it.

Ayla Sabatini: For everyone arguing in this thread, Mr. Rodgers has stated to a gay friend that he found both men and women attractive. Do with this info as you will while I look up the article I read that from and link it.

Baby Benjamin: Sabatini be "attracted" to anyone is not the sin. It's engaging in homosexual behavior. If I gave you a beautiful painting as a gift and you used it as a door stop, is that offensive? Same is true for male on male and female on female. God gave an awesome gift of sex and some say eh I'll use it the way I want. And it's a sin. Take it up with God on judgement day.

Ayla Sabatini: Those are not the same, me disrespecting a painting you gave me is not the same as me having sex with someone who is the same gender as me. If you're offended by what someone does in private, them you have some serious issues. Here's the article: this is true or not, Mr. Rogers is still Mr. Rogers and we should love him just the way he was.

Baby Benjamin: God is offended. It's not personal to any particular believer it's me telling what the bible says "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful , and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."Romans 1:26‭-‬271



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