
worshipmoment #homophobia worshipmoment.tumblr.com

Can you give me one contradiction in scripture? God is perfect but He has never created someone with homosexual desires. Homosexuals are not born gay just like murderers or not born killers. They commit the sin themselves just like homosexuals.

Even if the lgbt community wants to say they were born gay, it still doesn't give them the right to sin just like it doesn't give the murderer the right to kill.

worshipmoment #homophobia worshipmoment.tumblr.com

I don’t understand how I have threatened you? You are welcomed to message me if you want to explain how or if you want to just talk.

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, the sin of homosexuality is listed right next to theft. Just as there is no genetic excuse for stealing, there is no genetic excuse for homosexuality. Environment, culture, and choice make one a thief, and the same factors make one a homosexual. I do believe the cure for homosexuality and all other sins are found in Christ. In Christ alone, we find the source for healing, restoration, forgiveness, and comfort. He is the way by which we can all experience the affirming, unconditional love, value, and acceptance of our Father in heaven.

The most loving thing anyone can do for a homosexual, murderer or any other sinners is to share the Gospel with them. So what I am doing is loving because I don’t want any unrepented sinners to go to hell so I am going to warn them about the sins they are in and I am going to share the gospel with them because that is the most loving thing someone can do.

worshipmoment #homophobia worshipmoment.tumblr.com

There is no such thing as an LGBT Christian. There is either Christian or non-Christian. The phrase “LGBT Christian” refers to a person who actively, perpetually, and unrepentantly lives a homosexual lifestyle and that kind of person is not a Christian plain in simple. There is no such thing as an actively gay Christian. Keep in mind though if a Christian struggles against homosexual desires and temptations and is trying to do the will of God then it is possible for them to be a Christian. So let me say this again because I have answered this kind of question before and I have got a lot of hate for it. There is NO such thing as an LGBT Christian plain and simple. I don’t care if that person spends 24 hours a day reading the Bible and praying. An active homosexual person will not inherit the kingdom of God unless they repent and turn to Jesus… The best part is that if that person repents and turns to Jesus, Jesus will forgive them!

yeahskam #moonbat yeahskam.tumblr.com

(=In response to Gal Gadot wishing for a peaceful resolution regarding Israel and Palestine, and for the violence to end on both ends.=)

this is your not so friendly reminder that Gal Gadot has openly supported the IDF and posted a picture with the hashtags “we are right” and “I love the IDF” following a bombing of Gaza that left innocent Palestinians - including children - dead.

She directly and openly supports a genocidal state that oppresses and strips rights away from Palestinians on a daily basis.

So fuck her, fuck her “I want my neighbors to be safe” narrative that is simply untrue based on her past actions, and fuck white feminists for trying to paint her as this “girlboss!!!!!!” because she plays Wonder Woman.

insert-cheesy-name-here #homophobia insert-cheesy-name-here.tumblr.com

@thelesbiadhder: Ok most of this is ok, except for the "We can call sinners out for their sin" bit. People who are not christian do not believe in jesus, so why should they follow his rules? Don't force your religion on others please. You can follow your religion as you please and I do not mind that, but don't tell other people that they're going to hell when they don't believe in god. Don't tell other people not to sin if they don't believe in that.

@insert-cheesy-name-here: Well, I actively ignore LGBTQ content outside of Christianity. (For ex. The tumblr tags)
So, I will only interact with lgbt folks who think God is okey with their active sinning.
I have not the patience to talk to ppl outside of christianity even though we are called to do that. God wants us to spread his words and morals and if you love God you would want that too. If not, sorry, but I don’t care what you specifically think of me.
It’s God who I want to please not you.

insert-cheesy-name-here #homophobia insert-cheesy-name-here.tumblr.com

Yes, it is in our nature to sin so homosexual feelings are feelinga but acting out on them is jndeed sinful since God explicit forbids to act on these kind of feelings. (Lev. 18:22)

We are also called to love God first and thus to obey his law before love thy neighbors.

After that, you said sth very very true! We are also called to love our neighbor. Even just because someone sins and is rebellious against God, you cannot hate them. It's not productive and also sinful.

We can call sinner out for their sin but not hate them. Though, many don't see this difference and that's truly not your problem.

worshipmoment #fundie worshipmoment.tumblr.com

While both rape and incest are horrible crimes and should be punished by law, the fact remains that the percentage of women seeking abortions for either of these reasons is extremely small. Regardless of how or why a child was conceived, he or she is as fully human as any other child. The circumstances of conception have nothing to do with the viability of the infant. If abortion is the willful murder of an innocent, growing fetus, then it is still murder even if the child was conceived through violence or incestuous relations. Murder of the innocent does not erase the devastation caused by evil. As horrible as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape and/or incest, is the murder of a baby the answer? No. Two wrongs do not make a right. The child who is a result of rape/incest could be given in adoption to a loving family unable to have children on their own, or the child could be raised by its mother. The baby is completely innocent and should not be punished for the evil acts of its father. I don’t really care what scientists and doctors say about reproduction cycle, murder is wrong no matter how old or young the person is. Abortion is Murder. For those who have had an abortion, remember that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14).

worshipmoment #fundie worshipmoment.tumblr.com

I am concerned that even though some of you call yourself a Christian, some of you one day will go to hell, to be tormented day and night forever and ever and by the time you realize it, you will be out of time. That is why I am warning you right now that we are all going to stand before God, and He's going to say one of two things, either "Well done, good and faithful servant" or "Depart from Me I never knew you" (Matthew 25:23, Matthew 7:21-23.) That terrifies me. Matthew 7:21­-23 scares me to death, Jesus is saying many people will think they're going to heaven but they aren't. And that's judgment day. That's the end. There are no second chances. That is the last peaceful breath that “many” will breathe before they spend the rest of their life in hell. Now my question to you is: Are you going to be one of those "many" people.?

insert-cheesy-name-here #homophobia insert-cheesy-name-here.tumblr.com

Oi, I don’t care about those rights in western countries anymore since they have all the rights they could get in court.

Well, if you tell me that we should support LGBTQ rights in other countries were those folks get still killed, well, you have me. But not more than that.

The Bible is clear about stuff like that, about sin in general, you shouldn’t advocate pride in sin. Especially, since the rainbow was a promise to Noah for peace and not to kill all humanity again.

What you find about the gay pride flage is… well, in my opinion you wouldn’t find kind words here.

I may be respcful in real life to ppl but I call out sh*t when I see it. Especially if you put Gods standards on it. The only reason why I annoy you right now IS because you put a cross on it. (Original post was a rainbow background with a cross before it, for everyone who hasn’t seen the original post)

You can support whatever you like but as a Christian you select in what God thinks is right and not. That’s the whole point of Christianity.

worshipmoment #fundie worshipmoment.tumblr.com

We must take the Bible as it is (aka literal). This is the only way to determine what God really is trying to communicate to us. When we read the Bible, we must determine what the author intended to communicate. Many today will read a verse or passage of Scripture and then give their own definitions to the words, phrases, or paragraphs, ignoring the context and author’s intent. But this is not what God intended, which is why God tells us to correctly handle the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Although we take the Bible literally, there are still figures of speech within its pages that have to be interpreted. An example of a figure of speech would be that if someone said "it is raining cats and dogs outside," you would know that they did not really mean that cats and dogs were falling from the sky. They would mean it is raining really hard. There are figures of speech in the Bible which are not to be taken literally, but those should be obvious to us. For example in Matthew 5:30 it says “And if your right-hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away.” Now if we take that as it is we would all be walking around with no hands.

worshipmoment #fundie worshipmoment.tumblr.com

(this is part of a longer post, but due to a character limit, I can only share the following. Link in the description for the whole thing)

So its time for me to say goodbye and thank you. It’s time for me to leave Tumblr (for many reasons). I have been debating with myself if I should go or stay, and I personly believe that God is calling me to leave and work on other things. So this post is to say goodbye and thank all of you that have been here for me but also this post is challenge you in your relationship with Christ.

So I say “goodbye“ but I pray that goodbye is just for a short time. I pray that I will one day see you all in heaven. But I know the gate is narrow (Matthew 7:14) and many reading this right now will one day die and go to hell. I know most of you say you are Christians but in all reality you are arent. There are a lot of people that call themselves followers of Jesus Christ but are still in love there sins and they know it’s wrong but they don’t care. They rather have their sins then Jesus.

Your Daily Inspirtation #homophobia officialyourdailyinspiration.tumblr.com

Homosexuals like to quote Ezekiel 16:49 which says, “Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy…” They use this verse to say that Sodom and Gommorrah were not destroyed because of homosexuality, but like every good ignoramus they almost never quote verse 50 which says, “Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it.” they committed abominations and it doesn’t take a bible scholar to figure out what the Lord considers abominable. Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

soundlessdragon #homophobia soundlessdragon.tumblr.com

(On whether homosexuality is natural)

titankillinglongtermbootycall: Wishing pedophilia into the lgbt community is absolutely disgusting. Wishing pedophilia onto any child is horrifying and awful and most importantly, a GARBAGE representation of the Jesus you claim to serve. He hung out with tax collectors and whores, the people society said were sinning scum not worthy of breathing the same air. But instead He loved them, and treated them with the basic decency you are supposed to give human beings. You should try it sometime. Love wins.

Soundlessdragon: First off - wherrrrre did anyone wish pedophilia on anyone else?? If you really need to make up crap to support your argument, you’ve got no chance of success…
Secondly, say you consider humans animals. Alright. Say you use that to justify homosexuality, since it is a practice that has been observed in animals in the wild. Cool. So you also support humans who practice cannibalism, incest, filicide, etc? I mean animals do all that very frequently, and humans are animals, so it must be morally correct, right? It’s been given the stamp of approval by Mother Nature herself, just like homosexuality.

insert-cheesy-name-here #homophobia insert-cheesy-name-here.tumblr.com

“ ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable."
Leviticus 20:13a NIV

Sorry not sorry,

And don't come with the argument, "it's says boy not man" No, that has been disproved many times. Don't argue against God's rules when you are a Christian. That's just rebellious against God.

Obviously, that goes for women as well, ya know.

soundlessdragon #fundie soundlessdragon.tumblr.com

If you think a zygote/embryo/fetus is:
a parasite
not alive
not human
a part of the mother's body like an extra organ
a clump of cells equal to skin cells or cancer
tresspassing with malicious intent
anything other than a unique human individual in the earliest stages of the human life cycle, created when a male and female engaged in sexual reproduction--
you are not educated enough to be in the abortion debate.

If you don't understand that every successful abortion ends a human life, then you don't know what you're talking about.

If you equate elective abortion with miscarriage, or the procedures used to remove naturally-deceased babies after a miscarriage, you suck (: It’s hard enough for moms who lose their babies, without comparing the tragedy of miscarriage with moms who choose to get their babies violently terminated in abortions. Please stop.

No pro-choicers are saying that abortion is a right because without it miscarried babies would be forced to stay in their mom’s wombs. No pro-lifers are opposing the procedures that safely remove those deceased children for the mother’s safety. Treatments post-miscarriage have nothing to do with either the right to abort or the right to have life protected in the womb.

lapetitetournesoul #homophobia lapetitetournesoul.tumblr.com

Honestly kinda sick of hearing the “bIBLe HaS To bE wRoNg BC *insert sinful lifestyle here” feelZ RiGhT" argument. We are drawn to being sinful so of COURSE it feels nice. Your emotions are not your master. Christ is. But here’s the kicker– it’s way easier to follow emotions over Christ. So the question is which do you follow? You either DIE to self and sin daily (the word die was used intentionally, I assure you) or you try to live your life halfway between sin and Christ, making up excuses as to why your sin is justified and why you are exempt from certain biblical teachings. Living this way, you will never be satisfied by either except fleeting emotions that never stay because true joy is only found in Christ.

Lazarus056 #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

(=Comon talking points of RWBY conspiracy theorists - anime fans who like to use the shows deceased creator to spread conspiracies and slander of Rooster Teeth studios. It’s often parroted by homopohbes and incels who watch the show=)

Yeah, No. Last I checked? He left CRWBY and RT. Something about being fired or he left on his own Violation.

And even if he hadn't left, that doesn't mean he knew anything of his Brother's work. You can be related to someone, but that doesn't mean they'll tell you EVERYTHING they have to you... Or even if they did, would you have listened? Or would you have left much of the story fly over your head? There are brothers and sisters who act like that to their siblings.

Miles and Kerry may say they worked with him, but you can say the same of those who worked with the likes of Stephen Hillenberg, and we see how That's Going. (Stephen Hillenberg said that Spongebob was NEVER to have a Spinoff. Guess what Nickelodeon went and did the moment Stephen Passed on from Cancer?)

So yeah, Never say "They work with this Deceased Guy, so they KNOW this Deceased Guy's works.", as more often than not, they're willing to defy the Dead Man's Wishes for their own Reasons, and none of the reasons are anything good.

You know how many excuses I saw for Monty's works? "He was Bad Story Writer", "He did not Make the Scripts", "He wasn't even the Director, but the Action Animator", "He didn't write the story", "He wasn't the one who thought up RWBY"... All those from the likes of your Ilk. They say the same things, all to Downplay Miles and Kerry's bullcrap.

And here's the BIG Kicker... RWBY the Team, was supposed to be a Sisterhood Team, Not a Couple Team like JNPR. This was straight from the mouth of Monty Oum himself, "Team RWBY is a Sisterhood, united as a FAMILY even if not by Blood."

So that begs the Question, why are you supportive of the Group that Shat all over Monty's story? You may have pirated the Series, but CRWBY still gets the Ad Revenue.

So frankly, You're still giving CRWBY the Money, you're just giving it to them from a Third Party Source. Congrats.

Animeak116 #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

Animeak116: I think that type of dark humor should be more for cartoons meant for older audiences obviously because its dark humor. Like ypu dont see VetTV trying to cater to a younger audience with its dark humor. But toxic masculinity has been bullshit sense the beginning and has been due to moronic SJWs who cant take a joke and think something is sexist when its not or what not.

PowerfulVictory: It's so rare to see pure unfiltered stupidity in this subreddit, that was actually surprising
edit : this comment. Not the post.
edit 2 : a guy answered me, ranting non-sensically and basically saying "yeah this post is shit". He deleted his comment now.

gadgetmcfly: Toxic masculinity is when masculinity backfires either on men or it hurts women. I don't want a society of femboys, but I want men with masculinity that complements them.
In general, I just want gender roles to go to shit, but I'd settle for healthy views of femininity and masculinity.

Animeak116: Yeah thats not what SJWs and people who think toxic masculinity actually believe. Because what you listed is exactly what SJWs actually mean by what they want to end Toxic masculinity. Which again does not exist. What people believe toxic masculinity is. Is just the very basic natural male tendencies. Protective of there family, likes anything like guns, cars, ect. The willingness to hold back ones emotions for rational thoughts and problem solving. Ect. So yeah thats what SJWs mean when they want toxic masculinity destroyed. What makes a man a man. Because to SJWs men have to be destroyed to uplift women. Dont believe me thats literally what feminists and SJWs believe

Vuldykk #homophobia twitter.com

I don’t believe people are born gay but even if they are... it’s an urge or attraction that isn’t normal. Man is for Woman, Woman is for Man. Anything else is obviously unnatural. If I was “born” with the urge to lick kids does that make it acceptable?

Myles Holmes #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

My life gets simpler and my email inbox get’s lighter by the day. Just unsubscribed from another leftist leaning theological blogger who wants all us believers who supported President Donald J. Trump to apologize and be embarrassed, they wrote me…“Jesus Was Not a Republican”.
I responded before I blocked them…
“Well, He was not an American either for cryin’ out loud. But Jesus would not support the Democrat godless, pro abortion, pro sexual deviancy, Pro LGBTRUCrazy? agenda.
The Republican party is now the only home for a Bible believer at this point in history
Donald Trump has been a wonderful supporter of religious liberties. If you can’t see that from your theological ivory tower, then you have little to share with me or my ministry. See ya.”

Battle Of The Republic
Trump & The Great America
Myles Holmes Ministries

Animeak116 @ Murphy Slaw #sexist #ableist reddit.com

(=Weebs talking about anime girls. That is all.=)

King9204: Blake is the hottest character!

Animeak116: If only she wasn't bat shit retarded

Murphy_Slaw_: to be fair, aside from maybe Weiss all of Team RWBY + Jaune/Ren/Nora are completely retarded.
Blake is not much worse than the rest of them.

Animeak116: I mean all of them are retarded foe the sake of the plot just saying the symptoms started with Blake so i will always label her retarded as well. She may be a cute cat girl that any one may wany but she is idiotic as a brick that you'd rather use as a pump and dump then actual waifu material. Also Weiss was ruined this season heavily by the current episode. So i wouldn't hold my breath that she to isn't retarded especially after her scenes in the previous volume

sketiana #crackpot #conspiracy #racist sketiana.tumblr.com

(=Regarding Gal supporting her country in fighting the terror group Hamas, that antisemites take out of context against her=)

yes okay gal gadot did say she supports the killing of real life palestinian children BUT BUT LISTEN in the sequel to wonder woman they have a scene where she saves some arab childresn so it checks out! girl power!

la relance #racist #crackpot la-relance.tumblr.com

(=On a Facebook post by Gal Gadot in which she condemns the terror group Hamas, and wishes for a peaceful resolution between Israel and Palestine. Antisemites love using that post against her=)

never forget that in 2014 gal gadot publicly supported the Israeli militaries violent ambush in the gaza strip that led to the murder of four young palestinian boys who were playing soccer on the beach and WW84 screen wrote her character to save arab children playing soccer for entertainment purposes hollywood can CHOKE

fancy-creamy-mocha #sexist #homophobia fancy-creamy-mocha.tumblr.com

(=Regarding Netflix’s “She Ra”=)

Is everything NOT to do when making a reboot of a masterpiece and story in general. This fanfiction is barely passable. It’s just someone’s creepy fanfiction wet dream. My eyes are still bleeding from the first few episodes. How was this piece of crap greenlit?!

It is shit with its one cent low quality bland animation. The poor animators most likely gets half of a penny per week for doing this atrocious art style. The ethnicity is full of stereotypes. No imagination whatsoever. Masculinity is taboo and every guy has to look like a lesbian and stupid for some reason. Ya know its because sjws HATE men and strong female role models. Everyone and their grandma knows this already. It comes down to women being superior than soy boys out there. Sexist much?! The show is also hellbent on diversity by being racist against white people and this same racism goes towards their anti normal straight couples warpath. Who the fuck cares about actual characters as long as they are bland and uninteresting it’s great with this show.

Netflix has turned off reviews for a reason they don’t want people to rip apart this laughingstock called a reboot. They know how bad it is and won’t say anything. It’s not even a reboot. It’s using the name “She-Ra.” To make a name for itself while slapping the original content in its face and trying to be the next “Steven Universe.” Don’t watch this crap. I don’t even want my enemies to see this crap. That’s how morally wrong this is. DreamWorks what the hell are you thinking? Stop swimming in the acid already.

If you want to see a real heroine who stands up for the weak, and is an actual role model for girls, watch the original series by a creator who poured real sweat and tears into their work. If you want to see real characters with emotions, better animation, and a compelling story see She-Ra from the 80’s.

CandyCandyAshes @ Nadie8101 #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

(=context: one is a teenage delinquent with anger issues, the other is literally Hitler=)

CandyCandyAshes: Life is Strange is trending, so I wanna say... Chloe Price is the worst and most awful fictional character I've ever known and I'm glad she gets what she deserves in the Save Arcadia Bay ending.

@Nadie8101: If people understand and empathize with Chloe's behavior as a result of her trauma losing her father, why don't those people understand and empathize with Adolf's behavior as a result of his trauma losing both his parents and growing up in Austria/Germany during arduous times :^)

StartTakingNotes #sexist youtube.com

(Context: Talking about a show about female vigilantes fighting rapists. It sparked a lot of rage and moralizing from incels)

Sarah A: sigh look, how many vigilante superhero shows/movies/comics exist? you don't see people getting up in arms over those shows; they're able to disengage and recognize it for what it is - fiction. Why does the fact that the crimes in this show are sex crimes bother so many people? Is it because it hits too close to home???

StartTakingNotes: the differance is most superheroes fight supervillans in the act of causing harm, not chasing down and stabbing people that were accused of rape. Some mental gymnastics going on in this comments section lmao

Sarah A: so is rape not 'causing harm'? also, due to its very nature, rape is harder to catch in the act and even after it's over most victims do not get the justice they deserve, often getting blamed themselves. this is an important topic that needs to be addressed in a show like this because of its prevalence in the real world. you don't have literal supervillains going around in real life, but women are raped on a daily basis. that's why a show like this is so deeply satisfying to watch.

StartTakingNotes: I didn't say rape wasn't causing harm, don't put words in my mouth. I said supervillans in the ACT of causing harm like robbing a bank, planting bombs, trying to take over the city/world etc, and superheros are too busy handling that to break there moral code and go stab rape suspects. Also most supervillans are leagues above the local law enforcement, requiring hero's to take them down. Point is your analogy is invalid. Rape is a crime that takes place usually over a few minutes then becomes a he said/she said scenario afterward, and due to burden of proof, it's up to the accuser to prove the crime. it's not a perfect system, but it's better than the alternative. This show is the alternative, where people are accused of a heinous act, then get savagely beaten without a trial long after the act in question. The women portrayed in the show are lawless thugs.

Shady Oak Ministries #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

Video description: "Today's study will explain how Odin exemplified the LGBT lifestyle down to the letter...literally."

Closing statement: "We can also talk about Freya's many affairs, as well as prostituting herself to dwarves for jewelry. We can talk about Thor's unfaithfulness to Sif and vice versa. Loki's behaviour is self explanatory, but this is the paragon for the use of your sexuality. Wherever you go in the Norse pantheon, since he was responsible for forming man from trees with Vili and Vé  his brother, they are the example of how their designs are used. And in that example we have a man who has transformed into a woman - transgender - in order to lay with other men - so qualify him as gay - to preform magic taught to him by his wife - suggesting bisexuality - through whom he has sided the race of the Aesir - meaning if he was a woman at any point he'd be a combination of lesbian and strait.

With all that being said, this would certainly be a God who was popular with the LGBT community. But understand that in the Norse culture, and affirmed by the writings of gramaticists, and the history of the Danes, these traits describing your God are traits you should be ashamed of in the context they were written in. And in today's culture, we are not too far gone where rape can be justified along side these things. Especially, as well as adultery in certain situations, but understand these are the reasons why you need to know all these things.  Your God matters, because you are trying to become like them. 

And even if you celebrate the LGBT lifestyle, that Odin himself pursued to the fullest, be aware this includes being a rapist and a casual adulterer. I don't believe anyone should use this person as an example for how they use their sexuality. If you want a god who not only designed our sexual function, but also had the self control to not be ruled by it, I would recommend Jesus Christ."

Rayburne F. Winsor #fundie #homophobia sundayadelajablog.com

Whereas there are factors attributing to homosexuality , both God's Word and medical science attest to the truth that homosexuality genetically fixed from birth (no "gay gene"). Also, God's Word (1 Cointhians 6:11) , as well as numerous studies--that by Anna Freud, Bergler, Bychowski, Lorand, Hadden, Ovesey, Eber, Glover, Bickner, Hatterer and others can be reversed. The extensive clinical research of Masters and Johnson supports the same conclusion. All sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2) , be it immorality, adultery, idolatry, homosexuality, etc. (Romans 3:23) and we all need to receive the gift of eternal life and Christ's perfect righteousness through faith in Him (His death and resurrection) to be saved from sin (2 Cor. 5:21; Titus 3:5; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Corinthians 6:11) . God bless. If we truly love all sinners, including homosexuals, we will tell them the truth from God's Word--with gentleness and respect, of course.

Shady Oak Ministries #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

Nick Nui: I will now recite all the pagan shrines Jesus destroyed: ... I will now recite all the witches He burned at the stake: ... I will now recite all the gay people He yelled at: ... I will now recite all the nations He subdued with military force: ...  Religion is defined by its God, not by it's followers. If Jesus wouldn't do it, we shouldn't either.
Shady Oak Ministries: Just a note that for some reason YouTube isn't letting me see or reply to your comment on the Through the Bible Summary of Leviticus. To respond here, just remember that having an attraction or tendency towards a particular body type is very different than a lifestyle or activism centered around it. We all struggle with sexuality in one form or another. It's not just an issue of being heterosexual or not. People who are attracted to the same sex are just as in need of a Savior as I am when I struggle with an improper heart and attitude towards those of a different sex. If Jesus isn't their authority on what life ought to be, then I am not going to expect them to live like it. The Christians that do are either immature or uninformed about scripture. The Christians that compromise the authority of God's word over what sin is and isn't, as well as political groups that seek to criminalize our ability to share the gospel are a problem that needs to be confronted and debated like the Bible tells us to. But be very careful when you let the TV and YouTube activists set a narrative for you that homosexuals are somehow this persecuted minority being targeted and persecuted exclusively by Christians. If they want to talk about Islam, that's perfectly fine. But there's a lie going around that centers around this false assumption. The behavior of certain Christians defines their religion. Our marching orders are to show people living for anything less than Jesus to know there is a better option and that they need saving from the ultimate consequences of their sin. If they reject that, then we let them go like God ultimately will.

CrystalTheCoyote7 #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

They have turned what had
good storytelling to trash....
They decided to reduce Blake
and Yang to what they want...
They decided to reduce them
to a list of preferences...

Genesis 1:27: so God
created Man in His own
Image; in the image of
God He created him;
male and female He
created them.

....1 don't know if I
can continue to
watch this show...
Not when it is
spreading the wrong

There is ONE God! RWBY
has TWO!

Isaiah 46:6: Thus saith
the LORD the King of
Israel, and his redeemer
the LORD of hosts; I am
the first, and I am the
last; and besides me
there is no God.

RWBY says that death is rest, but it is not... After it is
judgement... Those who do not come to Christ will be
separated from God due to their sins against Him...

Ezekiel 18:23: Have I any pleasure at all that the
wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that
he should return from his ways, and live?

Hebrews 4: Q 6:
3. For we which have believed do enter into rest, as
He said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall
enter into my rest: although the works were finished
from the foundation of the world. 4. For He spake in a
certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And
God did rest on the seventh day from all His works. 5.
And in this place again, If they shall enter into my
rest. 6. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must
enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached
entered not in because of unbelief.
Hebrews 9:27-28

27. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but
after this the judgement: 28. So Christ was once
offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that
look for Him shall he appear the second time without
sin unto salvation.

And I started to like RWBY during the summer of
Dang you, Volume 6... You ruined the show for me
and another Christian...
....3 Strikes and you are out...
With a heavy heart, I may as well not watch you

Insiktsfull #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

Insiktsfull: Don't use the word "kid", it literally means goatoffspring, satanists worship the goat, it's a satanic psyop referring to GOAT of Mendes or BAPHOMET. Humans have CHILDREN.

Ellen Murrell: It’s really just a story and most artist don’t speak literally but figuratively. It’s not to be literal and it’s slang. It’s in every language.

Insiktsfull: Its a word planted by satan. It has to do with Scripture, where Jesus explains how he is gonna separate the sheep from the goats.
If you are not with Jesus you end up amongst the goats. referring to your child as "goatoffspring" is the same as considering yourself as goat. Lamb would be how Gods chosen people would refer to their children

Carl Benjamin #psycho #sexist youtube.com

(=an infamous quote from Carl's rant were he defends Elliot Rodger, treats incels like they're victims and lays the blame on feminism. The actual video was taken down, but numerous response videos are still up=)

"Which is ironic because, before your stupid social justice feminine bullshit, it [-mass murders-] didn't happen on this scale! It's CRAZY! This is a disease of the modern age! YOU are responsible for perpetuating it, by disenfranchising these poor fucking guys who don't have any options left!! When someone takes the option of absolute INSANELY last resort, you have to wonder, what kind of system is producing them? And I'll tell you what, Laci, IT IS A FUCKING - FEMINIST - SYSTEM - THAT IS DOING THIS!!!"

Remedy4theheart #psycho #sexist youtube.com

(=From the RWBY fandom: More from homophobes and incels mourning the death of a *cartoon* villain they projected onto (Adam), and an LGBT pairing potentially becoming canon (Blake and Yang) in the wake of his death. This is an interesting dicussion that caught my attention=)

Remedy4theheart: The most brutal and bloody murder the audience as ever seen brought these two together....that's something a villian would promote.

BloodRaven55: Bro you're talking about a whole ass different show. She Ra has nothing to do with this video. Not to mention Adam's death was self defence plain and simple. He dug his own grave by refusing every chance they gave him to leave peacefully and still going for the kill even after he lost his weapon. Killing someone to prevent your own death or someone else's death is not murder, you moron.
But then you clearly don't understand what sisters are either so I'm not surprised.

Remedy4theheart: Actually the law states so long as the threat has been eliminated, this doesn't just mean once the attacker is dead, then self defense is no longer needed or legal.
Once Adam lost his weapon and the two girls stood right there weapons in hand still standing Adam was neutralized. Him jumping for the blade is indeed intent to continue his murderous intent but he was still neutralized. The girls stabbed him before he got even anywhere near another blade.
By then it was no longer self defense. It was unhinged murder. The other options the girls could have done was run away, neutralize Adam's movements IE nonlethal force, or run to the proper authorities. The one option they chose was the most brutal unnecessary one that is actually criminal to do.
They murdered him. Through the heart and dropped the body into a waterfall never to be recognized again by his loved ones. That is not what a hero does. That man had a chance at redemption. He should have been locked up.
But no....somehow life is forfeit for just being an asshole with a scarred past. Shame on you for thinking so. Adam was a murderer. But those girls were not. So why become one to get rid of one?

BloodRaven55: Dude if you had the person who emotionally abused you for years stalk you halfway across the world and try to murder you multiple times, all while verbally confirming that he will never leave you alone until you and everyone you love is dead, and he starts running for a weapon to kill you, then you would 100% go for that blade too and do whatever you had to in order to save yourself and everyone else he'd threatened. If they'd run away then he would have tracked them down and tried to kill them all over again. Non-lethal force was not an option for Blake when she had no weapon and he was about to fatally stab her. If Yang had tried to disarm him or take him out without killing him then he would have had time to kill Blake before she could do anything. They literally TRIED, more than once, to get him to back down and to take him out without his death. When she took his sword from him Yang fucking throws it away instead of using it against him, and Blake makes no move to attack until he does at any point because as she flat out says multiple times she DIDN'T WANT TO FIGHT HIM. He gave them absolutely no way to ensure their own survival in that moment other than killing him and if you think otherwise you are delusional. You're literally asking Blake and Yang to give him a huge chance of murdering them instead of defending themselves to the best of their ability. Your sense of morality is fucked beyond belief and I would be terrified if you were my friend because that would mean that if I was in Blake's position you'd just let my abuser end my life rather than do whatever you could to save me.
You also need to watch the fight again because 1) Blake was completely unarmed when Adam went for Gambol Shroud. And Yang's only weapons were ranged which would have been as likely to kill Blake as Adam if she'd tried to use them in that situation. 2) The “proper authorities” were unavailable as Grimm were attacking the military base at the time and ADAM WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO KILL HER. What the fuck was she meant to do? Get her Scroll out and let him stab her while she tries to call the police?? Oh wait, Blake's Scroll was destroyed by Adam so she couldn't call the cops anyway regardless. Do yourself a favour and actually pay attention to the show before speaking bullshit because you obviously don't remember most of what happened.
If you are Blake, and you are unarmed while someone is running for a weapon about to kill you, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. If you are Yang, and someone is running towards your unarmed partner about to grab a weapon to kill them, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. Use your goddamn brain, I am begging you.

Remedy4theheart: You forgive them. Not stab them through the heart both ways and have their body beaten senseless by rushing waters.

BloodRaven55: If Blake had tried to “forgive” Adam she would be dead. So would Yang. He flat out stated his intent to murder them both multiple times and when given a categorical chance to let them live and walk away he rejected it and kept trying to kill them. You are literally asking them to let themselves be murdered instead of acting in self defence. Get some help, bro. Your moral compass is pointing in totally the wrong direction.

In real life if someone is about to stab me should I just “forgive” them and let them murder me? You’re flat out advocating for the murder of two innocent people over them defending themselves from the person trying to murder them. Think about what you’re fucking saying.

Remedy4theheart: So she gave him the early out never to learn fomr his mistakes? Yeah that true punishment should have been to lock him up reform him and show him he will fail everytime.
But no....she killed a suicidal man. Good job.

BloodRaven55: Both Blake and Yang gave him explicit chances to back down and he refused. They couldn't lock him up because the military base was compromised at the time and Blake's Scroll was broken so she couldn't call law enforcement anyway. Not to mention they had no way of restraining him and he was literally about to end Blake's life. He wasn't suicidal, he was murderous. He never once showed even a hint of remorse for any of his actions or the slightest inclination to change. He never did a single kind or selfless thing in the entire show and had zero chance at redemption.
If someone is seconds from grabbing a weapon and stabbing you and you are unarmed then you do not have the time or ability to decide how you defend yourself. You simply do what you can to protect yourself and the people around you. If Blake and Yang had done any of the things that you suggest then they would both be dead and Adam would still not be locked up or any closer to redemption. People like you terrify me and I hope I never come anywhere near someone with such warped morals as you in real life.
Blake gave Adam opportunities to improve in his Character Short, in the Black Trailer, and at least three times in the V6 fight. Yang flat out told him to leave peacefully and deliberately didn't kill him the first time she had the chance. They tried to disarm him without killing him but he still insisted on going for a weapon to slaughter them both. If you think they had any other choice in that moment then you didn't watch the same show as the rest of us.

Remedy4theheart: Violence is never the answer. You promote morals and then all of a sudden drop them because you just couldn't anymore? This is why people are saying the girls are less and less heroic these days.

BloodRaven55: I'm literally a pacifist but if I was defenceless and someone who still had a gun and was running to grab a weapon was about to murder me and another innocent person then damn right I'd be willing to kill them to defend myself. It's highly concerning that you'd rather let yourself and someone you love be murdered and "forgive" the person trying to kill you instead.
Correction: He lost everything because he murdered countless innocent people including his own men, and he travelled by his lonesome ready and willing to slaughter two innocent people to the point where even when he was given multiple chances to leave peacefully he refused.
He states himself that he stalked Blake across the world with the sole intention of murdering her. You’ve ignored every single piece of evidence from the show that I’ve provided, and you’re a sick victim blaming piece of human garbage who‘s detached from reality. Goodbye, I hope you develop a conscience soon.

nocakesformissedith #sexist #moonbat nocakesformissedith.tumblr.com

(=Justifying Amber Heard's abuse of Johnny Depp, such as hitting him, cutting off his finer and defecating in his bed, etc=)

Sometimes victims of physical abuse fight back or lash out against their abuser. Sometimes them fighting back isn’t in immediate self-defense, I.E. they’re not being violently assaulted in that moment. They’re fighting back against the “cycle” of violence and control and fear and general terror (and yes, anger, a lot of victims are angry at their abuser, strangely enough/s ) that the abuser is putting them through.
This, fighting back or lashing out against the abuser does NOT mean that the victim was the real abuser all along, and it does NOT mean that the relationship is “mutually abusive.”

To put it into perspective, I hope, consider this.

An emotionally abusive relationship.

Partner A is constantly demeaning Partner B, insulting their appearance, belittling their intelligence and accomplishments, making decisions for them, calling them names, gaslighting them, etc etc.

at one point, after this has been a constant issue, Partner B says to Partner A: “God, you’re such an asshole!” This obviously does not mean Partner B is the emotional abuser, and it does not mean the relationship is mutually emotionally abusive.

(=comments under her post=)

analuciacortez: but people want to ignore the video of him hitting things, the texts, the restraining order amber got against him, how he tried to attack a crew member in 2018, the fact that his currect girlfriend is like half his age, and every single shady thing he’s done

analuciacortez: @nocakesformissedith right. and then there’s the whole “oh, but his ex wife, winona ryder and penelope cruz said he’s a good guy who never hurt them!!”… and?? unless they are chained to him, they have no way of knowing what his relationship with amber is like. that whole “he didn’t do anything to me so he’s innocent” mentality doesn’t work. my dad is a saint to his friends and then he comes home and treats me and my mom like shit.

nocakesformissedith: @analuciacortez yes, it’s so frustrating, it seems like most people think amber was the abuser. The leaked audio tape was taken out of context, in the clip where amber admits to “hitting” Depp she also claims it was in self defense, and there are AT LEAST three instances where Depp admits to or Amber accused him of being violent towards her (which he does not deny) and yet no one talked about that

Ability-King-KK #homophobia deviantart.com

(Context: Still bitching over a fictional LGBT ship (Bumblebee) in a cartoon. This is actually considered one of the most important arguments among the RWBY Critic community, alongside the death and portrayal of an abusive villain.)

CardcaptorKatara: Yes its good to have more focus on the other teams, but I don't believe there is anything wrong with LGBTQ representation.

Ability-King-KK: There is when it's there just for the sake of a ship. Other shows like Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, and more recently Star vs the Forces of Evil added it just to pander as there was absolutely no build up or development to said ships. That's a sign of poor writing.

CardcaptorKatara: I'm not an advocate for whiterose but bumblebee has been there from the beginning. I don't any of this show has been written for the sake of a ship. Give me one example of whiterose? Because I've seen none. If you go back to season 1 and watch from there, there are many moments that lead up to the canon of bumblebee. It's subtle and its there. Good writing for relationships are written that way. I'm sorry if you have an issue with ships, but they will be part of any good story because that's human emotion, and it makes the story feel more real.

Ability-King-KK: At no point has there ever been Bumblebee. Blake has always shown interest in Sun and to think otherwise is asinine. Not only that, but Yang has been shown to ogle the other boys in their academy. Bumblebee was never going to be a thing until Rooster Teeth decided to pander to people like you, people who only care about ships.

CardcaptorKatara: Relationships don't need to be about people seeing someone and blushing or making eyes at guys. Also being Bisexual is a thing. I will not deny Yang likes to flirt and Blake had a thing for Adam in the past and at some point maybe crushed on Sun a little. Subtle acts are key.
Like checking to make sure someone isn't burning themselves out by constantly staying awake.
This was the very beginning of their relationship as partners, and it grew deeper than the whole rest of the team.
If you don't ship it that's fine. I don't care who ships what. I just think its ignorant to blatantly disregard any references to LGBTQ. This includes Ilia and Scarlet (Though I'm guessing you probably hate those characters too)

Ability-King-KK: Bumblebee is forced, unnatural, and only there to pander. It is not canon and should never be canon, so stop acting like there is something there.
As for Ilia and Scarlet...everything on Scarlet has not been confirmed to be canon and Ilia is another poorly written character thanks to Rooster Teeth's decisions.

Ability-King-KK #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

(Context: There's an animated show called RWBY; in a recent season, an antagonist named Adam is killed by two of the protagonists, Blake and Yang, the former of whom is his abuse victim. Since his death, there has been backlash from incels and homophobes who defended his actions and taking their anger out of Blake and Yang's ship, nicknamed Bumblebee. This is one of many examples of this backlash.)

Mojomito: Some of ya'll are completely missing the point...
Its not because of bumblebee, it's because the shirt is pretty insensitive regarding abusive relationships. Blake & Adam had an abusive relationship from the start - that's why she left. Adam wanted to control her and later in volume 3 & 6 he emotionally and physically abused her. "A lover's quarrel" downplays the fact that Adam practically groomed the much younger Blake, manipulated her and his physical abuse, suggesting it was merely a small trouble.
An Adam shirt is fine, a shirt that glosses over the abusive nature of Blake and Adam's relationship is not.

Ability-King-KK: It is because of Bumblebee. Adam was never abusive toward Blake, but he was turned into an abuser to please the Bumblebee shippers. To Bumblebee shippers, Adam is an obstacle that needed to be taken out of the picture. Hell, Blake and Adam's relationship could have stayed as student and mentor like Monty wanted and the Bumblebee shippers would still bitch. So don't try and defend this as if Rooster Teeth did the right thing.

Mojomito: Adam literally stabbed her?
What evidence of that do you have??
In the Black Trailer you can clearly see Blake is uncomfortable with Adam's forcefulness and violent ways, leading up to her decision to leave. If everything was happy with Adam, why did she leave?
How do you know what Monty wanted? Are you a personal friend of his with whom he shared his ideas? Fans throw around "Monty's ideas" without actually ever knowing Monty or his vision for the series,
I don't trust the opinions of people who claim to know what Monty wanted and constantly whine about how things used to be before Monty died.
Too late?? My first defensive comment was posted hours ago. Honestly, without the "Lovers Quarrel" I think the shirt would've been fine. I don't think sexual and domestic abuse is a topic that should be taken lightly and if your
only response to that is to call me "Snowflake" for having paper thin feelings, perhaps you should check yourself and all the dudes crying and whining over one (1) shirt being taken down and removed from a store.

Ability-King-KK: "In the Black Trailer you can clearly see Blake is uncomfortable with Adam's forcefulness and violent ways, leading up to her decision to leave. If everything was happy with Adam, why did she leave?"
That doesn't mean they were together in a romantic sense. Not everything has to be about shipping. Had it ever occurred to you that maybe Blake left because she didn't want to be a part of that version of the White Fang? She clearly doesn't share the same ideals as the White Fang, so why stick around?
"How do you know what Monty wanted?"
Ah, the same tired question every RWBY shipper uses to try and justify themselves. Any real fan would care about the story and character development, you know, what Monty tried to give us. Any real fan knows that Adam was never meant to be a psycho ex-boyfriend, you know, what Monty did give us. But unfortunately, after Monty's death, there was clearly a change in how RWBY was written and not for the better. Everything now is clearly there to cater to the shippers and that includes turning Adam into a psycho ex-boyfriend to help push Bumblebee.
Clearly you are being defensive. At no point did I even call you a "snowflake", but you're acting as if I did. And people aren't upset just because one shirt got taken down. They're upset because of WHY it was taken down, WHO Rooster Teeth would rather listen to, and the fact that Rooster Teeth are flat out ignoring more important criticisms.

Ron Cantor #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

Ron Cantor: Dear Rabbi, please read the very next verse:
23 “‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
and then in verse 29 he refers to all the prohibitions as "destestable" or "abominitions"... same word that you interpret as "deceitful"
So, based on your interpretation, it is fine to have sex wtih an aminal as long as you are not married.
But in mordern Hebrew the word is clearly not decitful but destestable or an abomnination. Here is a sentnece that the dictiionary gives.
התעללות בילדים היא מעשה תועבה ...
Child ause is a DESTABLE act ...
If God is God and I beleive He is; if He is the author of the Hebrew scriptures and created mankind, then it is clear from Torah that our first command it so replinish the earth. You cannot replenish the earth or procreate in same sex unions. There is not hint of encoueagement of same sex unions in ancient Israel. We do not see Moses saying, "It is fine to have sexual relations with members of your gender provided that you are monagamous." Not even a hint!
But we live in a broken world becuase of the sin of Adam and Eve. For people with same sex attracations, my heart goes out to them. But it is a fearful thing to change the word of God.

Benny Attar: There would be no need for a law against bestiality if people weren't doing it. I find it incomprehensible that people like you are more accepting of adultery, which is prohibited in the ten commandments, than of homosexuality.

Ron Cantor: Benny Attar "more accepting of adutlery"? Nope...just as bad. In fact, Jesus said if you look at a woman and lust, you are guilty of adultery. He was not acccepting and neither am I. By the way, it is the author excusing adultery, as casual homosexual relationships are adulterous. But here is what you can't deny--and I was addressing the torah-beleiving rabbi--if you beleive in the God of the bible then there is no way to find a place for homosexual relationships.

Peter Montgomery #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

(=A reply to "Homophobia is the real sin"=)

the devil loves this kind of deception coming from the so-called religious, the Torah is clear on this abomination as are the rest of the prophets
the writer is in danger of hellfire and will have the blood of those he leads astray to answer for
you are warned according to Ezekiel 3 and 33

Ave Şîn #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

Ave Şîn: What a busha v'herpa! You quote only selected passages and leave out the psak! The Torah declares that homsexual relations incur the death penalty (when there are witnesses and warnings, of course). When the Torah states that some act is a capital offense, only an absolute heretic would dare say that it is "no sin".

Benny Attar: There is at least one country which enacts the death penalty for homosexual relations. 

Ave Şîn Avi: Rounds Anything that carries the death penalty is at minimum a sin and at maximum.......  Toeva is from the root l'ta'ev - to despise. The accurate translation is despicable.

 Ave Şîn: Benny Attar In the past as well, a court would only enforce the death penalty when there were 2 witnesses who warned the person and he stated he would do it nevertheless. So, we almost never actually had such a situation. Yet, the warning of the severity of capital offences of all sorts was enough to keep people considerate in public of the standards the Bible set. In private, the accounting is between God and man alone.

Jake Wilson #fundie researchgate.net

It wasn’t my intention to trigger these otherworldly discussions, but it is inevitably the outcome of removing God from the equation when talking about the Exodus. I think we have soon covered all major religions and spiritual revelations though I am still waiting for the flying monks of Tibet. I fully agree that all of these are false beliefs, but Scripture is on an entirely different level. 

Listing Scripture among these examples in order to discredit its validity and producing the non-existing contradiction between biblical faith and true science, is therefore not a good technique, and any intelligent person, whether atheist or otherwise, will immediately see this (there are much more effective ways to discredit the biblical record). Also, I won’t debase myself by listing famous scientists who were drunkards; as said, I will leave these methods of argumentation to the more experienced ones. 

A commoner like me will scarcely put trust in people who see ignoring causality as the only rational approach. The rational basis for my assertions is creation by God, the irrational basis for your assertions is the expansion of a little black dot (or maybe it was green – correct me if I’m wrong, Eugene). The big bang is a non-demonstrable belief whereas divine creation is a demonstrable fact. 

As said, I like science, and there has been mind-boggling progress alone over the last decade let alone since the 17th century. However, regarding the origins, structure, and age of the universe and of the earth, there has been regress, and the established so-called scientific paradigm is – I am sorry to say – wrong (no matter how scientifically sound the components of these fallacies might be). 

As for theology, I am probably not up to scratch with the general consensus of modern Biblical scholarship, but if it implies the non-existence of God, then I beg to differ.

Rayburne F. Winsor #fundie considerthegospel.org

If anything, the fossil evidence at Mistaken Point would be far better interpreted as a sequence of deposition, burial and fossilization by sediments rapidly laid down by a global food and its after-effects rather than a sequence of layers representing a sequence of ages with different types of creatures over millions/billions of years of gradual evolution.

How else would you explain the fossils of soft-bodied creatures (i.e. jellyfish)? Such fossils certainly could not have formed gradually over millions of years because how long do dead jellyfish last after death and decomposition take place? Obviously, mineralization must occur before they decompose. No, my friend such fossils were not formed gradually over millions of years (that is ridiculous) but buried completely and rapidly by huge amounts of sediments laid down by huge volumes of water–what is necessary for rapid fossilization to occur, and what we would expect to find in a earth-shaking, earth-restructuring, catastrophic global flood (Genesis 6 to 9).

On the basis of the accumulated evidence (I.e. scientific, extra-biblical/secular, biblical, etc.) the Genesis Flood of the Bible is surely one of the best confirmed events in history. Expressions emphasizing the universality of the Noah’s Flood and its effects occur more than 30 times in Genesis 6 through 9 (I.e. Genesis 7:21-23; Genesis 6:17; 7: 19-20, 22; etc.). There are almost 200 non-biblical historical accounts of a gigantic flood that nearly destroyed all humanity from tribes and nations all over the world. The most detailed accounts come, as we would expect, from countries nearest to Ararat, where the Ark landed (Genesis 8:4).

Other versions turn up in Persia (modern Iraq and Iran), India, Burma, Indonesia, Sarawak, New Guina, Tahiti, Hawaii, China, Japan, Siberia, Australia (among the original inhabitants-the aborigines), and New Zealand (Maoris) , Alaska (Eskimos), North America (Red Indian), South America, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Congo, South Africa, Greece, Iceland, Lithuania, Finland, Lapland, Wales and Ireland. This agrees with Genesis 9:19: “From these [three sons of Noah and their wives] the whole earth was populated.” Of course, now the Bible has come to all these countries, but the flood “legends” (I.e. The Epic of Gilgamesh) were independent of the Bible, passed down over the centuries in scores of tribal legends.

Some of the details are especially interesting; for example, Lxtlilxochitl , the native historian of the Aztecs, says that the world lasted 1716 years before it was destroyed by a flood (This figure is only 60 years different from the 1656 years which the Bible gives by addition of the ages in Genesis 5–taking into consideration the overlapping of each subsequent generation by birth. The Chinese character (symbol) for a large ship is a combination of a figure 8 and the symbol for “mouths” or “persons” (Noah + Shem + Japeth +Ham + their wives = 8). The Hottentots of South America believe they are descended from “Noh” and the Hawaiians report a flood from which only “Nu-u” and his family were saved. Very intriguing! Over 75% of the earth’s surface is overlaid by up to several miles of layer upon layer of sedimentary rocks, which according to scientific consensus are formed under water. 

These massive sedimentary deposits contain billions of fossils of all life forms, both complete fossils buried in a certain order (I.e. shell fish with shell fish, animals that can climb above those less mobile, etc.) and disconnected skeletons and broken bones , such as would be expected of violent upheavals of the earth’s crust during a global flood (I.e. volcanism, tidal waves, and earthquakes). There are huge fossil graveyards on every major continent–evidence of rapid and mass death, burial, sedimentation and fossilization of life. Animals are commonly found buried in an attitude of terror with heads arched back, , mouths open, etc. (Cumberland Cavern in Maryland, U.S.). the Karroo formation of Africa contains an estimated 800 billion vertebrate fossils animals! (fossils). The Old Red Sandstone in England covers thousands of square miles and contains millions of fossilized fish (estimated more than 1000 per cubic yard) in contorted and contracted positions with spines sticking out and fins spread to the full, as in fish that die violently in convulsions and agony.

One of the most famous fossil graveyards is the Geiseltal lignite deposit in Germany where a great mixture of plants (in some instances, leaves till green) , animals, and even insects from all climatic areas of the world are found buried in one common, mass grave–evidence that they were buried deeply and quickly by water-laid sediments to seal them off from the atmosphere and bacteria that cause decay and decomposition. Add to this the fact that large scale fossilization is not occurring anywhere in the world today and you have a serious problem for uniformitarian geologists who believe these fossils were buried gradually over millions/billions of years.

Jake Wilson #fundie researchgate.net

The digression to the ark really tempts me to take apart, piece by piece, some of “science’s” sophistries, but it’s probably better to open a separate thread, something like: “Why is there no evidence for a) the Big Bang b) the geological periods c) molecule-to-man evolution?” – because it’s all nonsense.

As for the ark, I have spent quite a few hours there. It has a bow, a stern, and is 300 cubits or 157 metres long, i.e. the measurements given to Noah by God. As the terminology seemed to have been somewhat blurred in this thread: by the non-descript title “God” I am referring to YHVH – not to Jedi, King Kong or similar. A qualified expert would probably not recognize it as a ship, though it looks like a ship and sits – funny enough – on the Ararat Mountains, as stated in the Bible.

The fossil record shows anyway that there was a world-wide flood, but the ark is additional proof for this.

In 1987, Ataturk University confirmed the boat-shaped object to be Noah’s Ark, and the discovery was subsequently announced by the Turkish government. The “scientifically-minded” may not be interested, but here are some photos I took during my visit (plus attached a resistivity scan FYI):


Scientists who are motivated or driven by what they want or hope to be true are very hesitant to accept any evidence that would appear to be contrary to their cherished beliefs. Instead, an endless mixture of false assertions, false premises, and false conclusions plus ridicule, all clad in fancy scientific language – that is the over and over repeated defence strategy.

It is not my concern as such, but it is regrettable and a clear symptom of degenerate humanity, but fortunately, it will terminate soon.

PS: James, – teaching children “the best scientific model” as fact is not education, it is re-education.

Rayburne F. Winsor #homophobia truthxchange.com

There is no such thing as “gay Christianity” , no more than there is a category of Christians called “gay Christians,” “immoral Christians,” “sodomite Christians,” “idolater Christians,” or “adulterer Christians”. As the apostle Paul makes perfectly clear in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, especially verse 11, the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ is the power of God to spiritually transform from the inside out the hearts and lives of all the unrighteous members of Adam’s fallen race (equals all of us )–all whose sins have spiritually separated us from God (Isaiah 59:2; Romans 3:10, 23; Romans 1:16-17), including the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, etc,(see 1 Corinthians 6:9-10): “And such were some of you ; but you are washed, but you are sanctified , but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus , and by the Spirit of our God.” (verse 11). So please note, as was true in Paul’s day, that just as the Gospel was able to save/deliver any sinner, heterosexual or homosexual, from the corrupting power and bondage of all sin , including homosexuality, then, so it is able to do so today. As the Bible explicitly states: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation : old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). “Any man” , of course, includes the homosexual , and to be “in Christ” means to be saved–to become a Christian or Spirit-regenerated, Spirit-adopted son and daughter of God through the life-changing power of the Spirit of God in the new birth and faith in Jesus Christ (John 1:12-13; Ephesians 2:1, 5; 8-9; Titus 3:5; Acts 16:14; etc.). God bless.

Jake Wilson #fundie researchgate.net

James/Kathleen/Eugene (et al.),It is commonly known that, unless more hypothetical factors are added, the predictions made from the big bang model stand in utter contradiction of what we observe.

The crucial point, however, is not what happened after the bang, but what happened prior to it. Leaving Steady State aside, one can choose between: a) “everything came from nothing” (effect without a cause)b) “everything came from something” Because option a) is idiotic, it was utterly rejected by Fred Hoyle. Making fun of it, he called it sarcastically the “big bang”. Today, it is obviously idiotic not to accept the idiotic option, viz. the miraculous effect without a cause.

I assume this is all part of “the beauty of science”, the evolving ‘facts’, etc. That the current consensus is aligned with the views presented in this thread is perfectly fine. Personally, I prefer option b), and if that merits the designation of “religious fanatic”, then this is fine too. What is not fine is to teach children this miraculous illogical model without giving them the alternative version. And to clear the misunderstanding, – I don’t think the big bang theory is deplorable, it’s merely stupid.

Bombarding children and young teenagers with the stereotype, “13.8 billion years ago blablaba”, without even giving option b), – that is a deplorable crime which rather merits getting a millstone around the neck and to be drowned. I certainly don’t expect my insights to reform the education system anymore, but at least I’d like to air my views.

In response to further contributions: Uniformitarianism is not science but the result of disallowing a Divine Foot in the door. It’s merely the consequence of believing in the above magic, i.e. in an effect without a cause. As for evolution, it can be nipped in the bud right away: life doesn’t arise spontaneously from non-living chemicals, and if someone nevertheless wants to believe in the impossible, then I admire their faith, but I don’t share it and deem it irrelevant for our discussion. If it helps people to believe that they are unaccountable accidents, then I will be the last person to stand in their way.

I don’t know what the “antichrist reference” has to do with our subject, but it seems that the faculty of Atatürk University plus the Turkish government is viewed as a bunch of idiots or anti-science fanatics (this is what I am forced to conclude).

It is a pitiful tactic of recommending science, but I do appreciate the scoffing and also the vehement opposition if a find supports Scripture. Both of these practices prove the reliability of the biblical text. Considering all the redundant prattle, I wouldn’t mind moving on now and look at some (potential :-) autoptic archaeological evidence: Mt. Sinai, the encampment area, the altar of the golden calf, etc. – that kind of thing… any interest? No?

PS: James, – fossilized timber specimen found at the ark site was tested and showed 0.7019% organic carbon (plus 13.04% iron).

Jake Wilson #fundie seedbed.com

I am not sure if I’ve sent this already. Anyway, here goes – a few general comments relating to the above article:

I think the denial of eternal torment is simply a feature of fallen and degenerated mankind – they don’t like the prospect, so they explain it away. And that’s basically all there is to it.

Even if the Bible warned on every page about everlasting destruction and torment, they would explain it away (instead of submitting to God). And most people love it that way, it just sells better.

The real reason for denying eternal torment cannot not be found in Scripture, but lies in a combination of wishful thinking, humanistic conditioning, and being used by the adversary – in short, in having a rebellious heart. It is comparable to what the Nazis did when they lured one load after the other into the death chambers, telling them not to worry.

Modern man has created God in his own image, i.e. on his own terms and as a projection of his own alienated heart. If he can’t identify with God as revealed in Scripture, he simply creates a nicer one (e.g. “a God of love won’t condemn people to eternal suffering”). I can’t imagine that anyone who is born of water and Spirit (with the sign of tongues) would dare to explain away what Yeshua has warned us about again and again – it’s probably one of the most wicked things one can do.

Needless to say that the punishment will be much sorer for those who explain away the deterrent and thereby cause others to join them in the pit.I sometimes wonder what people think the Messiah suffered and died for. So we can walk on streets of gold and if we’re unlucky we’ll peacefully rest in our grave (I mean, how dumb can you get?)

Maybe people will have the chance to present the results of their exegesis or eisegesis on Judgment Day, who knows? They may explain to God why they thought the lake of fire was a relic of medieval thought, etc. Of course, if they have died in their sins, i.e. unregenerate, they’ll go anyway to hell despite their hermeneutics – they’ve had their warnings. Shalom,



We are not under the law [of sin & death], but under grace [to walk in the law]. Rom. vi, 15

Off the Kirb Ministires #fundie youtube.com


900,000,000 Are Going to HELL, But Don't Worry You're Safe

Hell is a real place and the Bible teaches us all those who have not trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will go to Hell and be cast into the lake of fire. Evangelist Joe Kirby pleads with Christians to do evangelism and reach lost souls who are heading to hell and will enter into gloomy darkness.

Mike Sigman and Grama LinLin #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

Mike Sigman: Why can't I disapprove of some activity without it being called a "phobia" by these people on the Left? Is there a "phobia" because I disapprove of incest? Is there a "phobia" because I disapprove of pedophilia? Is there a "phobia" because I avoid people who are unhygenic? Is there a "phobia" because I don't want to have extended conversations with people who are slow-witted? Maybe the author of the piece should ask himself why he feels compelled to virtue signal and to encourage others to think as he does.

Grama LinLin Just take a look at what God did to Sodam and Gomorrah, and tell me again that being gay is not a sin! And if you do, I will call you a liar!!!!