church of botany #racist

That sweet hope of accomplishing anything through legislative process is simply not possible in this country.How many legislators would have the courage to demand separation? Zero now and zero forever.Gay marriage-yes,secession-no way!Therefore as mentioned somewhere on this thread- mass demonstrations.general strikes and civil disobedience will be necessary to learn and employ on gigantic scale.
Also,regarding Negroes:the vision of them boarding buses and going North is charming,but it would not come to be as peaceful as one may wish. The Negro of today is not a docile simpleton with his head bowed in resignation.He is a gansta,high on unjustified self-esteem and ready to turn the South into Mogadishu with the help of his friends,shooting and burning everything.It will be very bloody before we can see them finally go,munching on their bitter Skittles.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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