Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia
The vicious bullying of Christians by “LGBT” activists has reached a tipping point. The end game is no longer disguised and it’s this: Christians will be prohibited from exercising their First Amendment constitutional rights to object to homosexual behavior or gender confusion. That is, if the activists get their way.
In other words, the Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, GLAAD and other “LGBT” bullies will tell us what we can and can’t believe.
The Gospel According to “Gay” is here, or so they hope. But in spite of the pending Supreme Court review of same sex so-called ‘marriage’ followed by a possible tsunami of homosexual tyranny, the rainbow radicals are stunned by a bit of push-back. They fret that their lavish funding and incessant thuggery are not producing the expected result, which is the easy overthrow of Judeo-Christian moral values in America.
Take for instance, the Archdiocese of San Francisco, instructing its school faculty to be respectful of the tenets of Catholicism both on and off the job. Don’t promote abortion or homosexuality as marriage, for instance, even on social media.
But San Francisco’s city government and “gay” community are not known for logic and respect. Outrage has greeted the notion that any church would require those in its employ not to bite the hand that feeds them. Bay Area “gays” want to dictate to the Archdiocese what it can and can’t believe, thank you very much, and the controversy may be headed to court.
That’s what they think of the First Amendment.
A number of cities and states are getting wise to the fascism of pro-homosexual public policies. Sexual orientation and gender identity provisions in discrimination law (SO/GI measures) are being turned back. Americans are figuring out that these laws do “protect“ homosexuals and transvestites, but only from opinions they don’t like while handing them a club to bash people of faith. As people lose jobs simply for having the wrong opinion, and small businesses close after months of threats and leftist harassment, the public understands what is really happening: tolerance is a one-way street for sexual anarchists.
For faithful Christians, there will be no mercy.
Americans don’t agree. A new poll published by Family Research Council and the National Religious Broadcasters found that a whopping 81% agreed with this statement: “Government should leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage as they live their daily lives at work and in the way they run their businesses.”
In the wake of an absurd state regulation passed in Minnesota for schools, a parents’ group commissioned a survey of voters and 90% agreed that students should have privacy rights for bathrooms, locker rooms and showers, including separate male/female facilities. A bill has just been introduced in both the MN House and Senate, called the “Student Safety and Physical Privacy Act” to mandate separate facilities for biological males and females and to overturn the recent school sports’ transgender policy.
In Arkansas, SB 202 just passed the legislature and was allowed to become law by the governor. It prohibits amending local discrimination policies with new categories, and that means “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” can’t be added.
This blow to “LGBT” dreams of glory follows on the heels of a successful December referendum in Fayetteville repealing a local transgender bill. The repeal effort featured intense lobbying by Michelle Duggar of the 19 Kids and Counting cable show.
And then in a stunning victory for freedom, an SO/GI ordinance just failed in Charlotte, North Carolina by a 6-5 vote. The measure would have prevented faith-based objections — i.e., no First Amendment religious rights.
The Human Rights Campaign spent a lot of time and money on the Charlotte bill and they are furious at the rebuff. They hoped to pass a bill with no faith exemptions. HRC calls religious freedom proposals “license to discriminate” bills, referring to proponents as the “anti-LGBT rump.” A paper HRC published called “Chipping Away at Equality” predicts these bills would allow Christians to turn away divorcees, Jewish people and biracial couples from businesses, and that EMTs would refuse to treat dying transgender patients using these bills as an excuse. No examples where such actions have occurred were provided.
And the roll-back doesn’t end there. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback by executive order rescinded a SO/GI discrimination order put in place by former governor Kathleen Sebelius.
And in Georgia, where Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran was fired for expressing his traditional Christian moral beliefs in a book, a bill is moving through the legislature to secure First Amendment rights in such cases. The radical group Get Equal spread misinformation in an email blast about the Georgia bill, alleging that it “—would make it legal for anyone citing a ‘sincerely-held religious belief’ to have a free pass to discriminate against just about anyone — LGBTQ or not.”
A Florida bill has been introduced that would restrict restrooms to people of the same biological sex. A new Michigan bill would allow adoption organizations to exercise religious freedom. There’s a similar bill in Congress, the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, sponsored by Congressman Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wy.)
And of course, we can’t forget the current Jezebel of “LGBT” tyranny: Houston mayor Annise Parker in her ongoing fight to deny citizens a vote on a local “LGBT” measure. A city clerk affirmed that more than enough signatures had been received to put the ordinance to a vote of the people, but the mayor’s shady maneuvers held it up. A judge rejected her plea to avoid a jury trial brought by local pastors whose sermons she subpoenaed in a thinly-disguised intimidation tactic.
One piece of legislation some are hailing as good news is actually the opposite: a Utah bill barring “LGBT” discrimination was supported by the LDS Church because it included religious exemptions. But it’s a trap. The bill language contains subjective “weasel” clauses allowing employers to make final determination about free speech, which qualifies “—unless the expression— is in direct conflict with the essential business-related interests of the employer.”
Welcome to the land of major loopholes. Many companies are already in bed with the “gay” lobby or afraid to limit their demands, so this language hands the “LGBT” bullies a tool to render the faith exemption meaningless.
And why is any church endorsing homosexual and “transgender” lifestyles anyway? That is what SO/GI “non-discrimination” bills do. They don’t just secure a right to an apartment or a job. It’s the right to have an apartment as an open and proud homosexual or transvestite (even if your landlady is a single Christian widow who believes this lifestyle is a sin). It’s getting a position while proudly proclaiming private deviant practices, even if co-workers believe marriage is male/female. Dare to express traditional values on the job and any Christian is guilty of harassment. These folks will have their lawyers all over you.
There is no respect in Scripture for these sins, but quite the opposite: our Lord calls homosexual sex an “abomination.” I don’t know how a church somehow justifies a “right” to housing and employment solely based on a sin identity.
The good news is that lots of Americans do understand and are standing up for what we believe and what our Constitution guarantees. The Lord Jesus Christ has framed the parameters of our faith and no wicked deceit the lavender lobby devises will every change that.