Michael Louwe #fundie #racist christiannews.net
michael louwe:
Remember, since the 1960s, the power-crazy White liberals of the Blue States have been pandering for the votes of the Blacks and Hispanics, in order to defeat the White conservatives of the Red States in US Federal elections.
Hence, the self-hating, anti-White and pro-Colored views of the White liberals, eg Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, etc and yourself(.?). It's all politically-driven.
Listen to yourself. You are so tied up in knots with ridiculous conspiracy theories you are defending white supremacists.
michael louwe:
If White conservatives who fight for the interests of Whites are White supremacists, then you are a liberal White masocist who is often submissive to the Black and Hispanic supremacists in the Blue States, eg Joe Biden kow-towing to Barack Obama and Eric Holder from 2008 to 2016.
In effect, the power-crazy White liberals/masocists of the Blue States are ignorantly committing racial suicide by pandering for the votes of the Black and Hispanic supremacists, in order to defeat the White conservatives of the Red States in US Federal elections since the 1960s.
That is why the White liberals/masocists like to denigrate White conservatives who fight for White interests as White supremacists, while they hypocritically praise and champion Blacks and Hispanics/Browns who fight for Black and Hispanic/Brown interests, eg the mostly Democrat Black Caucus and Hispanic Caucus in the US Congress.