TSFH14 #racist stormfront.org
Re: Michelle Obama Says White People Are "Still Running" From Blacks & Immigrants
Imagine having some kind of perverse fixation with a woman who wouldn't even give you the time of the day. You hate her for her constant rejections of your advances but in your warped, diseased brain, you think you 'belong together'. You have a grossly inflated view of yourself, so you keep pursuing her, not just for weeks or months, but years.
If a man behaved like this, he'd be diagnosed as a narcissistic psychopath and locked up for stalking.
Now, White flight is this ^, but on a far larger scale. Only, it's not the creepy, stalkers who're the bad guys, it's us.
Of course, if we stopped running like cowards and became hostile to their incursions, (like any other race) they'd cry victim.