Homosexuals always represent change therapy. That is, they LIE.
Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual.
It is intended to try to change unwanted homosexual feelings (perhaps brought on by molestation) or homosexual behavior.
Like any behavior modification therapy, it sometimes is successful and sometimes is not.
No psychological talk therapy can be proven to work, and there are hundreds of them.
It is time for homosexuals to STOP YOUR LYING about change therapy, and let anyone who wants such therapy, including minors and their parents, to get it.
Be pro-choice when it comes to talk therapy.
See, here's the thing. Even if Change therapy worked, and even if it was harmless, and even if the people being subjected to it wanted it, IT IS STILL ROOTED IN THE IDEA THAT THE LGBT+ SPECTRUM IS "WRONG" AND THAT IT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED! Thus it is inherently bigoted!
Michex: "Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual.
It is intended to try to change unwanted homosexual feelings (perhaps brought on by molestation) or homosexual behavior."
Random homosexual: "In my experience, the 'unwanted' part is by far most likely to have been brought on by the homosexual getting rejected by friends and family. And day after day after day being told things such as 'you're an unnatural abomination!' by people like you!"
Michex (fingers in ears, eyes tightly shut): "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!"
Homosexuals always represent change therapy.
They do. Quite clearly for what it is.
Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual.
Then why do the advocates of change therapy promote organizations of "ex-homosexuals," a number of whom are supposedly happily married to people of the opposite sex?
Being molested by someone of the same sex does NOT bring on sexual feelings.
It might make you unable to bear the touch of a person of the same sex for the rest of your life, however.
If you'd been molested you'd know this. Yet, though I hate you, I am still glad you were not molested.
let anyone who wants such therapy, including minors and their parents,
--Nobody should ever be forced or even pressured into any kind of "change therapy," this includes minors feeling forced or pressured by their parents.
There is no evidence that molestations can cause unwanted homosexual feelings. It might make a bisexual person turn her attraction away from the gender of her molester, but that's it.
Homosexual feelings and behavior are the same thing; being attracted to people of the same gender.
It's never successful, even some people who have done this kind of therapy for years and years, say it doesn't work.
I am not a homosexual, and I intend to continue to protest against "change therapy".
I'm pro-choice when it comes to all personal choices; you are free to do whatever you want with your life, as long as it doesn't infringe on other people's wishes for their lives.
If someone feels really bad about being a homosexual, I'd encourage him or her to talk to a psychiatrist to overcome those bad feelings, and to be able to accept the homosexuality.
Forcing your children to undergo torture-like treatment to "cure" their gayness is NOT pro-choice.
Molestation never makes sex, homosexual of not, more pleasurable but less. If you were into this stuff, you'd know it
unwanted homosexual feelings (perhaps brought on by molestation)
And this is the logic behind Reparative Rape... the idea that a type of sex can force you into an orientation.
Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual.
Except that is exactly what it is when you say it's intended to change homosexual feelings...
Be pro-choice when it comes to talk therapy.
Then fucking campaign for the right for parents to inflict therapy on their children with the intention of making them homosexual... or would that expose you for the hypocritical wanker that you are?
I never understood the reasoning behind the notion that molestation begets exclusive preference for consensual acts that resemble the molestation. Why would someone subject his or herself to carnal acts that are bound to evoke past trauma?It's akin to suggesting that a stabbing victim would develop a masochistic craving for cutting by virtue of the attack.
The people who have such opinions usually fail to explain the hypothetical predator; was he raped, and somehow consequently inclined to inflict that much pain on other victims? According to that reasoning, there can't be a never-ending chain of molestation because there will always be the question of that first supposed predator, who decided, for whatever internal reason, to molest someone. That conclusion alone debunks the idea that homosexuality (which is a misnomer in this context, because the above situation clearly describes pederasty or pedophilia) can be attributed solely to external experience or cause, even if one uses such specious logic in the first place.
Of course, that entire chain of reasoning is confuted by my existence; I'm a bisexual who has never been molested. Just in case anyone is curious, I have never molested anyone either. I have never felt the urge to do so. Do I get a medal?
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here. Conceivably, I could imagine a few ways that conversion therapy might be possible. If everybody, or at least most people, are a little bit bisexual, then it could be possible to use conditioning to reinforce responses to one kind of attraction and reduce responses to another. Alternatively, medical science could advance to the point where brain surgery could alter or remove the neurons which are responsible for same sex attraction.
This, of course, is merely hypothetical, and it says nothing about the ethics of such a thing. And, to put everyone's mind at ease, I've noticed that fundamentalists suck at psychology even worse than they do at biology, geology, and cosmology. If such "therapy" could ever be achieved, the fundies sure wouldn't be the ones to do it, and they are the only ones who would ever try.
Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual.
It is intended to try to change unwanted homosexual feelings (perhaps brought on by molestation) or homosexual behavior.
What's the difference? You can't change someone's sexuality, so you can't change homosexual feelings or behavior. You can only convince them to hide their true feelings.
And frankly, no "change therapy" (oh, so "reparative therapy" is no longer kosher, so they had to come up with a new name?) has ever been proven to actually work. Some are just better at hiding their true sexuality than others.
But it looks like they're trying to move from "pray the gay away" to "you're not gay, you just suffer from a same-sex attraction" so-called therapy. Give them another 50-100 years and they'll accept homosexuality as something that doesn't need to be changed.
I just realised something.
They always want to claim that somehow, magically, being molested/raped is what made people become gay.
But instead of then fighting to deal with the problem of molestation and rape, they want to 'correct' the 'after effects'.
I find that quite telling...
But only when talking about conversion therapy, right?
You know how conversion therapy works, right.?messentially, you punish someone every time they express interest in a person of the same gender. So you're not curing, you're implanting a fear of punishment.
In fact, give me your right hand and a all peen hammer and I bet I can ensure you never post on the Internet again.
"Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual."
You all sold it that way when you started these de-gay programs. When the medical organizations exposed you (1)Junk psychiatry 2) Untrained, non-doctorate "therapists" 3) religious hoodoo) You suddenly changed your claim.
It's been pretty much proven to be a lucrative con-game but since psychiatry often fails to 'cure' many states still allow you to fleece,, er,, operate "clinics".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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