Apuleius #racist occidentaldissent.com

"Joe says: Dragging people, however primitive, from their homelands and forcing them to work like beasts of burden is disgusting."

If it’s all they’re fit for, then how is that disgusting? If I use a mule to plow my fields, is my use of the mule disgusting to you? Domestication of animals has been very beneficial to humanity.

Unfortunately, some people seem to be like pet owners who anthropomorphize their darling animals, falsely attributing to them human attributes. The Yankees have done similar with the negro. When you clear away all the sentimentality over our “darker brothers,” you can acknowledge simply that they are what they are.

To pretend like we would never have made contact with them here on earth is naive at best. Once the coon-tact was made, domestication of these strange creatures (“half-devil, half-child” Kipling) was attempted. It turned out well–until the soft-hearted, soft-headed, disconnected Yankee urbanites began to anthropomorphize their negro pets. Once this occurred, the agitation more “humane” treatment began.

If you lie down with dogs, don’t expect not to get fleas.

Deo Vindice



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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