mylifeistrash #conspiracy #wingnut
My predictions of an awful future in the west (next 2-5 years)
Trump loses and dems take house and senate as well.
White males who aren't overly leftist or LBGT are considered extremists.
States pass unconstitutional internet hate bill which make it a crime to post "hate speech" which basically means anything that criticizes women or minorities.
Banks, airlines, utilities companies start using a social credit score. Score is calculated by crawling the internet, looking by posts from your name that are labelled extremist. If your score is too low, you can't get a bank account, get power to your place, etc.
Suicide rate climbs 50% higher, way past great depression levels.
Women are all using tinder/instagram to find that 1/20,000 guy. It's an extreme chad take all scenario.
Looking at a woman in public is essentially a crime.
Men are locked out of most jobs unless they're so specialized that women cannot possibly do them. Making 1/4th of men unemployable.