
John Mackay #fundie askjohnmackay.com

"The modern atheist mind wants to use modern their definition of rape as an absolute, such that a woman both before and after marriage is an autonomous being who has rights to resist any man including the man she married, and if he insists on sex, then that is rape and the male is legally guilty of a crime. One atheist University student we discussed this with was shocked to find such a definition did not exist even 20 years ago. Before that in most a western cultures, a married woman could not be raped by her husband since they were one flesh – a very biblical concept. Since the Biblical concept of love makes love not a feeling, but a choice which benefits another, then the Godly man has already figured out if she has a headache coming on, and such compassion means that she never needs to use sex as a weapon, or a legal threat, because a Godly woman is wise enough to never deny her husband to the point where she is forcing him to go elsewhere. "

john mackay #fundie askjohnmackay.com

Now for one helpful last point about how to deal with claims about how cruel it was to kill all the Midianites including the boy children. Just ask them again if they believe in a woman’s rights over her own body, then move on to the right to abortion on demand, then subtly bring up how many children they have put to death in the last decade—and the answer is millions. Then politely tell them they are gross hypocrites!