
Brother Ernest #racist #conspiracy #fundie jesuswasnotajew.org

"Jesus" was not the Messiah's name. Our Messiah was not a "Jew!" The Hebrew Israelites were not aware of the French or English language yet, therefore, there is no 'j' in Hebrew. Ergo, Melech HaMoshiach Yahushua ben Dovid, ben Avraham, ben Yah could not have been Iesous. The j letter was not invented until the 17th century by the French. His name is translated as "Yahushua saves." For it shall come to pass that whosoever calls upon the name of YHWH will be delivered, Joel 2:32

What is the Messiah's name? Proverbs 30:4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?

Yahushua is the only heavenly Entity who is the fulfillment of the Name of YHWH.
'Jesus' is the greek word for of Zeus/Iesous. Nowhere are we to call the Messiah by any other name than what was given by YHWH.That name is not "Hail-Zeus"/ Jesus.

All the other angels and messengers have the name of "El" for Elohim, which means gods or rulers, אֱלֹהִים. Gabri(el), Micha(el), Rapha(el), Uri(el), Satan(el), or, any heavenly host, be it good or wicked is called "el" (אֱלֹהִים). Yahushua is the One and Only who carries our heavenly Father's Name. He is the beginning and the end, the Name that is above all names. The Messiah is our Kinsmen Redeemer. Names are important to YHWH. He is never to be called "Lord" or "lord." Satanic jews have purposely translated the name of YHWH to "Lord" בַּ֫עַל which means Baal. Baal is the god of the Canaanites who are also the jews. Jews hate the name of YHWH and they have removed His name over 6,800 times from the Holy Scriptures. Jews have replaced His name with "LORD" so that you would call the Messiah, "Baal."

YHWH's return is certain, for the Messiah must fulfill Obadiah 18, the destruction of Edom. Every eye will see our Kinsmen Redeemer coming from the SKY and step foot upon His flat earth, Revelation 1:7. Many Satanic Jews will wail as the Son has only come for His Kinsmen, of which none are the Jews. The fig tree is the Jew who will wither away while the righteous shall shine like the stars forever. Thus, Revelation 7:1 will be fulfilled. Every knee upon this flat earth will bow the when He returns. Every eye will see YHWH judge the world. This glorious day is ahead of us all. Fake Israel, or as Messiah called them, "the fig tree," aka Edom, the terrorists behind 9/11, put forth her wicked leaves by attacking the Christian Republic of the United States of America. Fake Israel must be judged! The Christian Republic of the United States of America has fallen. It is time for His elect to awaken. The true race of Israelites are nearly extinct, thanks to two massive wars, WW1, and WW2. The hand of Jewry caused both wars. The jews are none of Israel's children. The Jews are the Edomite-Canaanites among us, they are the descendants of those from Mount Seir. Jews are not Semites, Hebrews or Israelites.

Brother Ernest #racist #conspiracy #fundie jesuswasnotajew.org

I risk my life by presenting this information to you. YHWH has set me free just as He promised in John 8:32.

​ There is enough information on this homepage that will silence any Zionist. My goal is that you will be enlightened with heavenly knowledge making you perfect in Messiah. I will prove that the "Edomites are hereafter none other than the Jews" (Antiquity of the Jews Xiii, Chapter 9, verse 1). YHWH's earth is flat and Israel is guilty of masterminding 911. I've literally been to hell and back because of this information. I'm not afraid.
Your pastor is going to have a very hard time rebutting this website, for it will expose the lies your being fed in your Zionist- house of filth,
​aka your church.

I received a revelation from the Creator directly when He appeared to me in the Commonwealth of PA State Capital building and told me exactly what I am to do. The worst part of waking up is that you continue to wake up. The truth sets you free, but wicked serpents would have you deny what you see with your eyes. Therefore, I preach with absolute boldness and authority. YHWH has called me to the office of a prophet. The majority of you will refuse what I present, however, to those who hear what the Spirit is saying, you will be awakened, and very quickly; for the time is short. The United States has been completely overthrown. Fake-Israel owns this nation, completely.