
Jeff Maples #fundie #sexist #psycho reformationcharlotte.org

Abortion is murder and nobody has the right to take the life of an innocent child. One of the stupidest arguments on the pro-abortion left is that it’s “my body, my choice.” The absurdity is beyond any sound logical reason. Abortions are not “performed” on women or their bodies, it’s committed on an innocent child.

Here is the thing, women should have absolutely no say whatsoever in the issue of abortion. The abortion debate has already been settled. God hates the hand that sheds innocent blood (Proverbs 16:17) and the mother who takes her child in to be murdered is the primary hand in the perpetration.

Women should not get to choose whether or not they get to abort their child. There should be no choice, ever. If you commit murder, you should be put to death. Why should a mother be allowed to determine the fate of a child? If the millions upon millions of murdered children could speak for themselves, would they do so the way their mothers did? Would they choose to end their own life?

Jeff Maples #fundie reformationcharlotte.org

First and foremost, we’re thankful that nobody died — however, it is reported that one firefighter was seriously injured. We pray for his recovery. But let’s look at what happened here. Many of my friends are upset that a historical iconic structure has been burnt to the ground, possibly forever. It would literally have to be rebuilt from the ground up to be saved, and even then, it wouldn’t be the same. All said and done, the historic building is destroyed.

However, the Notre Dame Cathedral was a Roman Catholic Cathedral, and it’s history isn’t really that bright. The history of the Roman Catholic Church is one of violence against the saints. Literally, millions (some estimates as high as 65 million, though unlikely quite that high) were killed at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church during the inquisition. The Roman Catholic Church has stood in opposition to the bride of Christ since its inception. It is not a Christian organization.

The Notre Dame Cathedral was initially constructed in the 12th century AD under Pope Alexander III. The Cathedral has experienced much warfare and has changed hands between different cults and religious organizations on a few occasions, ultimately remaining under the control of the Roman Catholic Church. The Cathedral was adorned in with idols and demonic statues which bore great witness to the god the Roman Catholic Church serves — Satan.

It is reported that during the fire, some of the relics and statues have been saved and transported to another location. It is unclear as to which ones were saved, but one thing is for certain, Roman Catholic relics have been used to enslave people to the Roman Catholic Church and keep them in bondage for nearly 2000 years.

Things to remember: as Bible-believing Christians, we understand that God is in control of all things. We also understand that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). The Roman Catholic Notre Dame Cathedral has stood in proud opposition to Biblical Christianity for nearly a millennium. God has sovereignly allowed this symbol to burn to the ground. Was this an act of judgment at the hands of God? It could be. One thing is for sure — in God’s mercy and grace, He didn’t take out multitudes of people with it. It is clear that God is giving idolaters, blasphemers, and haters of God a chance to repent and believe the true Gospel. In this opportunity for repentance, we rejoice.