
beatles123 #sexist wrestlingforum.com

[in response to a thread showing videos of an incel who got angry that he couldn't get a date who sympathised with mass shooters]

That said, feminism has discouraged a lot of males like this. We're in a society where Betas like this are encouraged in order to "Liberate" female oppression. He needs to learn to go out and TAKE what he wants.

beatles123 #sexist wrestlingforum.com

Ah, yes! It's been a while. Do tell me: Which version of Rouge is SEGA going with currently? Is it the bland treasure hunter that only exists to give knuckles a villainous foil? That is to say, despite the fact that his otherwise barely mentioned role as guardian of the Master Emerald should be more than enough cause for Eggman to be his enemy, thus rendering her completely unnecessary?

Ooh, I know! Maybe it's the thief with a heart of gold who suddenly cares about Shadow for some reason despite sharing absolutely no emotional connection to him OR E-123 Omega prior to Sonic Heroes! Who could forget those timeless character building moments between them that made her inclusion meaningful! Like when.........

[Picture of Spongebob Squarepants]

Or perhaps it's the Rouge who works for G.U.N. now because.......Fuck it, she wasn't doing anything else of note, am I right?

Rouge is nothing but one of at least a half dozen interchangeable Sonic characters with absolutely nothing of value to offer...at least, nothing you can make her do in a children's video game.

Welp, my work here is done!

beatles123 #fundie wrestlingforum.com

People have always demonized the weird if they start challenging the norm. The "Pedo" rumor is just another invention made by people who couldn't understand that the guy was just genuinely carefree and didnt care if he was childlike.

Originally Posted by Stinger Fan
You're defending him a little too strongly in this thread . One of the lead detective states they found books of children naked in his home ,which were legal as they weren't pornographic but , don't you think that's odd for a man over 30 to own? This detective also went onto state that one of the kids who alleged sexual misconduct , was able to accurately describe what Michael Jackson looked like naked, how is that possible? Jackson admitted he'd have "slumber parties" with under-aged children and sleep in the same bed with them. Don't you find any of this odd? Would you defend him if he wasn't famous? Let me ask you this, would you honestly feel comfortable allowing your own under-aged child to sleep over at a grown mans home if he gave you his word that it was "just innocent"? Let's not forget, he settled out of court, which innocent people don't typically do. You can't ignore the allegations made against him because he's famous, that is not a defense as they aren't incapable of being horrible human beings.

These are exaggerated from everything i'm to understand. The books were fanmail he was sent as a prank be people who thought he was guilty, and the children didn't sleep "with" him. He supposedly slept on the floor whilst the children took his bed. Weird? Yes. Criminal? Unproven.

beatles123 #sexist wrestlingforum.com

[In response to there being a precedent of having historical figures in Dr. Who prior to Rosa Parks]

You don't need to tell me. Im a who fan of all eras and doctors. It just seems oddly convenient that they'd want to do a Rosa parks episode while a woman Doctor is cast, which is what i didn't want them to do: Use her as a vehicle for soapboxing.

O thought you of all people would know what I'm getting at here

beatles123 #racist wrestlingforum.com

Well you also have to realize, to some the negative associations with the south will always be there no matter how much we "Evolve". People are always gonna see us as hicks, im afraid. I think we've actually made progress but we'll always be a little different from other places. We're always going to have a right wing lean in much the same way as Cali is an SJW hive. If we can just learn we have different lifestyles to contend with on our side and not perpetuate stereotypes like in charlotsville and live n let live, and ya can let us do us to that extent, we good.

The flag is like any flag. It's always goin' to have crazy peoplr. Better to have it warts and all and strive to make it better. Totally silence them and you have....well, this mess.

beatles123 #conspiracy wrestlingforum.com

(The following topic is not meant to be an attack on jewish people but an analysis of certain theories pertaining to certain things related to Jewish organizations. Please understand that I do not endorse any anti-semitism)

So, look, we've all heard of Rothschild. That's a well known conspiracy and im not saying it has any merit, but do we perhaps cater to the Jewish people TOO MUCH in politics? Do you believe in any actual jewish-influenced bias in any one thing in particular?

Im not really a believer in that stuff, but some here are pretty knowledgeable on history so I was curious what anyone thought of some of the theories that are out there.

HHHisXpacXSteph #racist wrestlingforum.com

In this rapidly advancing technological world mixed with an increasingly politically correct and race baiting culture we are fucked if we say anything even remotely offensive. It is now to the extent that you will be fucked over and publicly crucified if you say anything that could be remotely offensive. Jokingly call your B..Rother a "ni&&a", get into a verbal altercation on COD, call a guy a fa&&ot for saying he likes to wear eyeliner, literally anything.

Im also not just talking about like being ridiculed for being an idiot, your life will be ruined. If you make a sex tape with your wife, and afterward you say "my boss is a fucking D*ke" and that sex tape is stolen from your house...the person who stole the sex tape wont be in trouble, your life will be ruined though. You will be blackballed as a sexist and insensitive to women.

If two random guys at a party bang out a drunk girl and you go home and joke about how she was so drunk she was "dead', you will receive death threats until you need psychiatric counseling and get kicked out of college.

If you have sex with a girl, and then reject her, no matter how much proof you have that she wanted you and it wasn't rape, she will destroy your life and no one will believe you. It doesnt matter if you have texts before and after saying "I want your cock in my ass" you will be vilified and labeled a rapist.

If you are a police officer and ask a woman to get out of her car, and she curses at you, and refuses, and kicks you and you arrest her you will be labeled a racist and if that woman kills herself, regardless if there is tape showing no one entered her cell, you will be labeled a murderer.

White people and especially white men....we are fucked. Freedom even in our own houses is gone.

beatles123 #fundie wrestlingforum.com

He [Donald Trump] can't work with people who will not work with HIM. If he made a declaration that people must wear pants. there would be people walking around naked in DC purely because it was he who demanded it. Common sense be damned. That isn't his fault. Washington wants one direction and refuses any other.

JBL_Wrestling_God #sexist wrestlingforum.com

Is this even a question to think twice about? Typical business or profession it's the man that's holding down the high level positions while girls are the assistants or secretary's or nurses doing things that help assist men at being dominate. Us men are the most dominate gender by far that's why we make more money and that's why unless you're a geek you're bending over the woman. Everything about life actually involves the man being the hard worker being the aggressor being the smarter person than the female. Now there's an exception maybe 5% of the time a girl will get one over on us but it's extremely rare. Look at United States for example best country in the world never had one female president not one.

Woman just lack the emotional maturity and the mental strength to handle the type of responsibility that us men have. Men have stronger traits to become leaders which has something to do with intelligence as well being a leader is all about being smart. Yes sports and even pro wrestling includes intelligence as well and guess who's dominating that? Men. I honestly couldn't even name ONE thing that woman are better at men at besides looking pretty. The highest male model makes about 2 million a year and the highest female model makes about 40-50 million a year so that's about the only thing they are better at looking pretty which has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence.

JBL_Wrestling_God #sexist wrestlingforum.com

[This post included two quotes, to which it is a response. The first quote is a reaction to him saying that "a woman's body doesn't function at the level of a man's", where the quoted respondant asked what the hell he meant.]

Lifting weights making yourself stronger can translate to mental strength as well because it gives you mental confidence. That's one reason why men are smarter than woman because we have significantly more physical strength which leads to mental strength.

[The second quote was here, and was a response to him saying that men use their intelligence in "a more aggressive manner"]

I think you kind of exposed yourself as a sexist in your feud with Cat. I can bring up the post here if you want.
Well what I mean by in a more aggressive manner is we are the ALPHA gender. So in this sense we have so much loaded confidence so much loaded testosterone so much loaded physical strength this all leads to having BETTER INSTINCTS and most importantly BETTER DECISIONS which is part of intellect. For instance a male police officer will always make the MORE INTELLIGENT decision in dangerous situations than a female officer on a general basis. Our minds were just naturally raised to work more than girls were and that's the trend of genetics that will continue to pass on. Part of intelligence is making good decisions and men make good decisions at a faster and better paste in a more controlled paste than girls do.

Catalanotto #sexist wrestlingforum.com

I've met far dumber females than males in my lifetime.

Not saying the OP is entirely correct, just saying, based on experience, I have never had a ditzy male friend or co-worker and have known plenty of stupid fucking females.

beatles123 #conspiracy wrestlingforum.com

Excuse you, I don't feel anymore empowered from Trump! not a day goes by Trump supporters aren't called racists or some buzzword, but you know what? It's okay. BOTH SIDES DO THIS! thats what you don't understand. You feel like the miinority, but so does everyone. You think we're Nazis and we aren't. Just like people think Obama is a psy-op terrorist. BOTH SIDES ARE BULLSHIT.

beatles123 #sexist wrestlingforum.com

God damn it, to hell with this feminist bullshit in Star Wars right now. You know they didn't choose her [meaning Felicity Jones] based on her own merits! Just like Finn, this was a "LOL PROGRESS" move...fuck that!

beatles123 #racist wrestlingforum.com

[In answer to 'what makes you proud of the Confederates?']

Because the union, as I said, was also imposing a lot of sanctions and unfair strain on the south trying to strong arm it INTO giving up slavery. Now, is slavery right? No, but the Union were forcing the south to adapt unfairly. It had no economic system to replace it with. It couldn't just get rid of it without due planning. Still, the Union saw fit to continue to escalate things. In fact, this taxation was a part of the reason why Lincoln ordered Fort Sumter attacked, stating to congress "My intention is to collect a tax" from them. Those who were manning the fort said they would not surrender without a direct letter from Lincoln, which they never received before being fired upon.

Based upon these things, I cannot call them "Traitors" when it was the union who forced their own hand.

beatles123 #racist wrestlingforum.com

[About the (possible) re-release of Disney's Song of the South]

Okay, so, Song of the south is a VERY important subject for me. I love the Brer Rabbit stories with all my heart and for years---YEARS---I've been telling anyone who will listen about how Disney is/was actively suppressing its release. From Shareholder meetings to denying Roy Disney's own request when Eisner was in charge, the House Of Mouse's top brass have always been needlessly ashamed of this film. Denying it's place in history whilst still managing to milk it via the Splash Mountain juggernaut. Figure that out.

There are HUGE misconceptions with the movie that have been taken as fact over the years, too!

- There is no form of slavery depicted in the film
- There is no mention of Race
- Thee is no forced servitude.

In fact, in the story, Uncle Remus decides, completely of his own free will, to leave the plantation setting with no repercussions or reprisals from its owner.

beatles123 #sexist wrestlingforum.com

When you meet a nice feminest, you let me know, bruh. They all seem understanding until you call them out.

As for me, I'm tired of having to be ashamed I'm male in their eyes. I've bent over backwards trying to understand, trying to be compassionate, only for them to keep moving the goalpost and re define "Sexism" to the point of madness and claw away at my very core trying to rob me of my humanity. I may not be able to have a debate on most political matters in the way DesRowe or @Iconoclast can, but this is one matter I can emphatically tell you that I am wholeheartedly ok with modern Feminism dying in a fire screaming until the ashes take form over its backwards, self righteous body. Woman's rights have now more than ever been achieved to their most logical and fair point. I have LIVED this argument for too damn long and im tired of the myth of large scale inequality to woman being taken as fact. Sick to my stomach over it, even, Don't worry though, it'll get to the point it affects you and pisses you off as well. You just have to wait until they ask you for more than you can give and you'll eventually be as drained as the rest of us that have suffered this fucking cancer..

GamerGirl #fundie wrestlingforum.com

Usually when somebody gets raped its their own fault for dressing like a hoe. Its still wrong, but the rapist should be punished not the baby.
or a teen girl goes drinking at some party gets knocked up, thats her fault.
I would never punish anybody for something thats not their fault "baby".. If the women can't take care of the baby give it up to adoption.
It as simple as that there is no reason what so ever a person should get a abortion.