
Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com


Oof and it seems you are fucking homophobic with you're supporting male x female, fetishizing female x female but not ok with male x male. Typical.

Oof and how typical, calling out someone for liking two outta three things and then cutting and running (Aka Blocking before I could reply.)

Ya wanna know Why I don't ship anything MalexMale? It's because I am not...comfortable with it.

If a male character is gay in something, fine, so be it. I certainly don't have to give two shits about that character, I certainly don't have to make fan art of them. I sure as hell don't have to wave a flag around and scream for joy at the prospect of another gay character.

You wanna know WHY I'm Uncomfortable with malexmale? Because of the Fetishizing, ya know, like how people like me make girl x girl a fetish, yeah...GuyxGuy Fans do that on a MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH higher level.

If a guy is gay in real life, fine, whatever, I don't give two shits if you like guys/girls. If your a cool person. Your cool in my book, doesn't mean I'm gonna enjoy what you may or may not draw, but I'm fine with ya, your not gonna hear me saying anything negative.

But when it comes to Fictional characters, THAT! is where I have a problem.

I have seen so, so so so so so so so SOOOOOOO many guyxguy shippers who fetishize these pairings and characters and write these quite clearly, wet dream based fanfictions about these characters.

What's even more disturbing is that a lot of these ships involve characters...WHO AREN'T EVEN GAY!!! They take, Brother/Brother type friendships and twist and turn them into these sick, twisted, disturbing love stories that make Twilight look like the best romance novel of all time.


So you wanna know why I despise GuyxGuy ships, why I hate Yaoi shippers.

You can thank all the assholes who committed the acts I mentioned above for garnering my hatred.

Do I fetishize FemalexFemale pairings?