Full_Moon #fundie #pratt #homophobia christianforums.com
How do we know true from false and right from wrong?
Some maintain that such things are a matter of opinion and, apart from human opinion, have no existence at all. This is obviously false to Christians.
There does exist true and false, right and wrong.
Yet how do we know which is which?
Humans disagree, societies disagree, even religions disagree. Is there any solid way of knowing true from false or right from wrong?
God and God alone determines true from false and right from wrong.
As He loves us, so He reveals true from false and right from wrong to us.
Yet many maintain that there is no such revelation, and so they argue over true and false, right and wrong, based on their thoughts, beliefs, opinions, feelings and those of other humans. In essence, many will maintain that the basis of and or only way of knowing true from false and right from wrong is the 'self'
As Christians we do not abide in our 'selves', nor follow our 'selves', nor determine true from false or right from wrong by our 'selves'.
Jesus Christ is the One in whom we abide and not another, even our 'selves'. He is the revelation of truth and righteousness.
So why do some Christians say "God has revealed homosexual acts are immoral", while others say "We, our 'selves', believe it is not immoral"? Which 'side' has its moral basis in God's revelation and which 'side' has its moral basis in the 'self'?
I tell you no church has ever blessed homosexual relationships through God's word but only by following popular opinion based on majority vote.