In his farewell address to the nation, Dwight Eisenhower famously warned of the military-industrial complex. He also warned that "public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite," in other words, a dictatorship by doctors and so-called experts .
@Lucilius #116106
Well, that was a long-standing thing in pro wrestling anyway, they always lied about people’s heights. Andre the Giant was billed as 7′4″ but he was really more like 7′0″ or maybe even a little less. There’s a famous picture of him standing next to and towering over Vince McMahon, that they secretly had Andre stand on a box for, to make it look more impressive.
@TheKingOfRhye #116136
Yeah, I know there's loads of fakery in wrestling. But if you can't even fess up to that, you have no business in public office. Jacobs spent too much time in headlocks.
Knoxville itself is pretty nice, by the way. Jacobs is *county* mayor, meaning he represents the unincorporated all-white suburbs where every guy is a "contractor" named Kyle or Brandon who went to the "School of Hard Knocks" and sees no contradiction in having bumper stickers of both the U.S. and Confederate flags.
OMG! It’s Kane, the wrestler! He’s gone “Ultimate Warrior” on us.
The Undertaker will always be cooler (although I lost interest in Pro-Wrestling just before the Attitude Era began, it was getting too stupid for me and the character’s kept switching from Heel to Face so much that I swear, these kayfabe characters had no integrity as people and needed a shrink. I miss the goofy, family friendly fun of the pre-Attitude Era).
...just another Covidiot, we suspect. 'Doctors' and 'Experts', eh?:
The 1950s are often considered to be a safe and quiet decade when American families moved to the suburbs, drove large modern automobiles, and enjoyed a stable and prosperous economy. But beneath this tranquil scene, parents faced a great fear -- the dreaded poliomyelitis, or polio, as it is commonly known. The disease had killed over thirteen hundred Americans (a large percentage were children) and crippled more than eighteen thousand in the year 1954 alone. On April 12, 1955, American received the much-welcomed news that Dr. Jonas Salk had developed a vaccine against the frightening disease. Immediately, the federal government implemented a plan to have the vaccine produced by six licensed pharmaceutical companies and distributed to children throughout the country. Within one year, the deaths attributed to polio declined by 50 per cent, and this downward trend continues to the present when polio has been totally eradicated in most of the world
You just dug not only your 'argument's own grave, Kane.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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