I went to college for 10 years while I was in the Army, to get a 4 year degree. I usually attended a state university, part time taking a couple of courses a semester.
What I found is that the multiculturalists who run universities were desperate to get the races to mix. They did not when left on their own. I graduated in the 90s , retired from the Army, and now work for a state university. Things today are different.
In my opinion, the root cause of the change is that the average white parent is conspiring with the multiculturalist faculty to emasculate white boys, and offer up their daughters on the altar of diversity. The university is not a place of learning, it is a place where the seeds of white genocide is being planted. Whites are taught that they are the problem with the world, and that the peasants of the world are noble.
Their is no real benefit to attending. I think we should stay away from university reeducation centers, and take over the trades. Your mind stays clear, and your wallet stays full.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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