whiterider #fundie foru.ms

The Harry Potter series has done more to spur an interest into Witchcraft into yourg people, more than "rock music, Video games, comic books, cartoons, or any evil device" combined. Usually the most dangerous product, is the one that destroys a generation while making us feel as if it is harmless.

JK Rowling uses Neumerology to enhance the witchcraft of her release dates, and she makes other devices that are connected to witchcraft. She is writing from her own experiences, and the practice of true witchcraft in her writing has made her rich and famous.

But to those who are undiscerning, the smooth good feelings that you get from endulging in her fantasy work is nothing more than spirits enticing you further into giving satan your children all in the pretense of having a little fun. Nothing is as it appears when you are dealing with matters such as this. Enjoy it while you can, because judgment is just around the corner. Maybe then, you will be shaken from your stupor.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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