Skita Jones and No men = No babies #wingnut #psycho
(Skita Jones)
@Chester Wishon
Gee chester... the "people" of Austin are NOT part of the real Texas and we are working on addressing that problem
(No men = No babies)
there's no such thing as leftist peaceful protesting. They are always murdering, assaulting, burning or looting.
@Billie Jackson
incorrect. His running a red light has no relevancy to any of it. He drove up which is legal, had someone coming towards him with a firearm and he eliminated the threat. He will walk free since he wasn't the one that assaulted first.
@She seeks Truth
they don't need to raise the weapon to pose a threat. All they had to do was pose a threat and all he has to do is explain that he was in fear of his own life. Simple as that and he walks free.
@Greg M
wow! ewe must be some sort of uber duber great shot! ... I am joking of course... Not hard to do from 3 feet away. I say that because if ewe knew anything about reflexive fire, you would have mentioned the distance to targets. This is coming from someone with 23.2 years in the Army (11B ret.) and did Gov. contracting for 4 years. I can do what you mentioned in under 2 seconds on my dad days from 25 meters.