R. Michael Hands #fundie home.earthlink.net

Starting with Eve women have been Satan's tool of condemnation for men if glancing at their accentuated, ample, semi or covered BREASTS.

Pentecostal men are accused of being lustful, adulterous sinners if seeing female BREASTS, BUTTOCKS, LEGS, HAIR women love to expose.

Men have an unconscious, primal reassuring thoughts of mother's full, nourishing soothing BREASTS with happiness, as they should have.

The evil inclination (Satan) recognizes man’s propensity to view the female body and tricks women into dressing provocatively and revealing just enough BREAST to cause men to lust.

Creating lust are; clothes designed to sexually excite men lower passions, tight fitting, low cut, bare-midriffs, shoulder-less and floss bathing suits that leave little for the imagination.

Girls age 12-17 snare men with thoughts of adultery and fornication when wearing tight fitting jeans outlining her vagina, daisy may cutoffs, and T-shirts that accentuate perky TEATS.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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