Little Ice Age #conspiracy #racist
RE: Whites being poisoned at coffee stops and restaurants
I've been hearing from many mostly white women who are blond and attractive that their food is being tainted at eateries and fast coffee stops.
This is a serious crime. There are people who I am sure even died and no connection was made. This has to be made aware to law enforcement .
I believe that the increase in white mortality has something to do with this
Because people refuse to still get it through their heads that they are targeted by these psychopathic bigots.
Long before I ever got home internet service way out in the country, so I could hear about these goings-on all the time, back in 1998 or 99, I saw, on TV news, security video of a guy working in the kitchen of a fast food place who was blowing his nose on hamburgers before he put them up to be served to customers. 'Law enforcement' have known about this problem for a long time now and they haven't done a thing about it! In fact, cops are often victims of these crimes themselves and they're not getting any protection either.
The whole country knows by now 'who's doing it' and it sure isn't Whites! Any 'attractive White women' willing to buy food or drink in a place staffed by non-Whites these days need their heads examined. Do you really think they'd listen to any warning from us if they didn't know better than to go in there in the first place?
That is disgusting, those people need to be in jail.
Of course! This is textbook definition of 'domestic terrorism,' with some 'hostile foreign invasion' and 'enemy combatants' added since so many of the perps are illegals, at least in the Southwest. Deliberate contamination of food or drink is an act of war, has been throughout recorded history.
I wonder sometimes if the government hasn't joined in the fun and started drugging us all to turn us comatose. It's the only explanation that makes sense for why White people haven't yet lost their patience completely and just snapped and hanged everybody they could catch. Consider the implications of adding our latest crop of 'refugees' being quietly shipped to small towns all over the country...from Ebola-afflicted regions.
For some if not many non-Whites, moving to regions which were first settled and developed by Whites is an act of war. Their intention is not good from the start. The quicker we die and go under the faster they can get their hands on what belonged to us. That is the simple and stark reality that we are staring in the face.
Being a gullible White and not accepting this cold hard fact is leading to an unhealthy and short life. There will soon be no longer any exceptions to that rule! An astute old person will outlive a young person who does not accept that fact!
I have no doubt that you are correct. Our 'uniform' is our skin, whether we like it or not. No non-White is going to make an 'exception' for any of us; unlike too many of us, their first loyalties lie with their own kind. They don't care whom we voted for, what be our ideologies, creeds or behavior to any of them. If you're White, non-Whites want you dead, period. Looking for exceptions to that rule can only get us killed.