some TERFs #sexist
It's okay, sexual abuse survivors, TIM's dicks have a "different energy" so pop a xan and get over it, cool?
A trans gal's sexuality is docile, patient, hesitant, fragile.
Because a woman’s sexuality is docile, patient, hesitant, fragile—amirite?
I’m impressed they can say that with a straight face. And call themselves feminists.
But then again, they are men....
I’m even more impressed libfems can listen to that with a straight face. And call themselves feminists.
But then again, they are the “right” men.
And a woman’s sexuality is docile, patient, hesitant, fragile. Right libfems? Right?? Remember that when Mr. McDomly CisHet MRA tells you so.
I kind of feel the need to hunt down this other nasty article to post comparison quotes. I remember it’s some TiM claiming trans women have better sex than nasty ole boring cis women and our musty vaginas. He claims all sorts of bs like neovags/inverted penises are “fresher” than normal vaginas and that cis women are often “too frigid” in bed and that TiMs are so much more wild and aggressive and willing to be feminine and sexy.
It was a hot fucking mess and full of obvious dude being obvious that his trans identity was a kink he uses to be feminine and talk about being fucked.
Seems likes there’s a reason so many of these dudes start their trans journey with sissy or hypno porn or stealing female family members underwear. Fucking kinksters.
Don't see how they can be fresher seeing as they have bacteria doctors can't even identify.
Yet if you turn them down it’s all “choke on my lady dick”
But somehow them saying this doesn't trigger their dysphoria.
It never occurs to them that women either like doing bjs or they don't - that it's a preference we can have based on our own thoughts and feelings. They coax and coerce and go for the most manipulative hard sell. It makes me think they know jackshit about female sexuality and wouldn't appreciate anything about it if they did know.
Men don't see us as people, as individuals that want and need varied things.
Like a toaster. It exists for you to stick your bread in. You don't ask the toaster if it is ok to put bread in the slot. In fact, it's very convenient that the toaster can't talk. Because then you would have to listen to it and ignore it if it said no or explain to it that it doesn't matter if it wants bread put into the slot, because it exists to have bread put in it, and that is the only way that the existence of the toaster can be fulfilled.
This is why those sex dolls will never be programmed to talk. Unless it is to agree with everything that a man says to it.
There's zero requirement that trans people take any hormones or do any physical transition at all. Nor are they defined by any type of dysphoria, and I have seen trans males say they like their penis. It would be great if there were ANY criteria other than self ID. So this article is BS.
Trans women's brains are exactly the same, however, or they wouldn't write rapey shit like this.
Why the fuck can't they just accept that an all-woman event focused on yonic massage might be the wrong place for them? They just want to push every fucking boundary they ever find, don't they? I'd be so uncomfortable in that situation - one person sitting around fondling their penis in a room where nineteen women are doing yoni massage.
And it really creeps me out that this person is a "sex-positive events facilitator" who has so little respect for other people's boundaries and comfort. That is a recipe for badness.
they carry a different energy.
Dafuq even is that? They make sexuality sound like feng shui or like thetans in Scientology.
A man's penis swaggers and struts, conquers and acquires, penetrates. A trans gal's genitals generally carry none of this energy
I think the translady doth protest too much. As an actual woman observing it objectively, I know that penises don't swagger and strut, they're more like eroded sausages that inflate with desperation and yearning. To hide from the melancholy nature of this, a man imagines the penis as a powerful weapon. What this writer is displaying is typical male anxiety about how sex makes you vulnerable.
And he keeps calling grown women (and men) 'gals'. Ew.