#homophobe #racist #sexist desuarchive.org
Scootaloo's Lesbian Moms
Thoughts, anypony?
God, I want faggots and faggot pushers dead.
>being raised by lesbians aunts turn you into a filly that almost kill herself to get some acceptation
>being raised by a normal straight family turn you into an element of harmony and future ruler of a nation
Sound like a great lesson
Lol, the first gay couple HAVE BEEN NEGLECTING THEIR FILLY FOR YEARS. God, I hate faggots. They should never be parents. A child needs a caring mother and a STONG father figure, not a fag that literally bends over for cock in his ass.
It's really funny how the kid with the progressive family is always the weird one in the group
>no dad and mom and being raised by lesbians create a bad child
>no dad and mom and being raised by a normal heterosexual family create a good child
what a fucking surprise
I want to lynch every fucking kike pushing this degenerate bullshit everywhere even in goddamn kids shows
>One is fat and the other is ugly.
>Same sex couple.
Its true. Mlp is based and redpilled when they aren't even trying to be.
>degenerate parents
>crippled kid
>That disgusting faggot openly admits to shoving sodomy into MLP.
>People still pretend he isn't a cancer on par with the toys hasbro forces into the show.
Post the picture of him in drag at a faggot bar spreading HIV, and tell me he's a good writer who's helped FIM.
the show is subtly redpilled as usual.
Gay parenting is bad.
>the ONLY lesbians in equestria are also easily two of the ugliest mares in the show
really makes you think
Scootaloo was brought up not only by lesbians, but by Australian lesbians.
Gee, no wonder she ended up being a cripple and an overall waste of episode screentime.
>deviant sexuality
>being normalized
Gays are a product of broader hypersexualization of literally everything; they have essentially built an identity around what amounts to a fetish and rallied support from broader society.
when do they force Scoots to become transexual?