Requiario #racist #conspiracy
The indigenous and mestizos who invaded Argentina continue with the war declared to the "wikcas" which is how they say to the white Argentines whom they swore to destroy. They do this under the aegis of the Communist Mason government that parasitizes Argentina. A few weeks ago the invasions of land by "mapuches" began in all that is the territory of Argentine Patagonia, added to the invasions that indigenous and mestizos from Bolivia and Paraguay are carrying out in the province of Buenos Aires. A few years ago the "ancestral Mapuche resistance" declared war on the white Argentinian (whom I call with contempt Winca or Huinca) and began to perpetrate terrorist acts such as kidnapping, placing bombs in schools and even the murder of a white farmer whose corpse he was thrown to his own pigs. The persecution of the heterosexual white Argentine man, mainly Catholic of Spanish and Italian descent, reached its most ruthless stage, the terrible tax pressure (where he is kidnapped through taxes up to 60% of his salary to support indigenous and lgtb groups). He first added a governmental institute in charge of persecuting white heterosexual men and accusing them of racists and now he began the expropriation of land and KIDNAPPING AND MURDER of whites in Argentina. As if that were not enough, the Argentine government prohibited people from buying dollars to save and protect themselves from the devaluation caused by printing money to finance all the indigenous and mestizo groups that allowed them to enter the country to increase political patronage.
I appeal to the solidarity of our brothers in the north to spread and denounce the BRUTAL PERSECUSION AND GENOCIDE that white Argentines are suffering.