Not to be nosy, but if she’s such a staunch supporter of abortion, how does it happen that she has any children of her own?
Inquiring minds want to know.
No one is "pro-abortion." No one thinks "oh, you know what would be a fantastic weekend out with the girls? Getting knocked up and having abortions! So much better than just going to a club." Abortions aren't fun for anyone. They're just sometimes the right <i>choice</i> in that person's situation, when you're unable to properly raise and care for a child.
People are "pro-choice" not "pro-abortion" because there is no "one size fits all" on this issue. Hell, not even one size fits one person consistantly. Many women who have abortions go on to have children at a later time, when they're more mature, more financially stable, in better relationships or otherwise more prepared for the responsibility. Many women who are already mothers have abortions because they aren't able to care fo another child.
Circumstances change. Don't be a dickweed, try to understand.
Applications of this argument to other positions:
"-If you are such a staunch supporter of abstinence only education, how do you have sex?
-If you are a staunch supporter of the death penalty, why aren't you a vigilante?
-If you are a staunch supporter of the first amendment, why don't you publish your own magazine?
-If you are a staunch supporter of America, why aren't you in the army?
-If you are a staunch supporter of immigration reform, why don't you personally deport illegal immigrants back to Mexico in your minivan?"
Formula for your inquiry to show you why it is fallacious:
-If you advocate providing Right X to the general public, how are you able to achieve Action Y, which is impossible if you were to perpetually indulge in the Right X that you advocate?
-Answer: Because advocating the right to something does not mean that you need to elect to use that right and because electing to use a right on one or more occassions does not oblige you to use it on every occassion.
In summary: FAIL.
This quote is from Michelle Malkin's blog? That explains it. Hell, this is probably the closest thing to logic you'll ever see there.
"Inquiring minds" by definition, do "want to know." Ignorant right-wing christian shitbags, on the other hand, have made it clear that they don't want to know a goddamned thing.
Because we support the right to choose, we're not running around grabbing pregnant women off the street to perform abortions on.
Just because you want to shove your beliefs down other peoples throats, doesn't mean everyone does. In fact if you want to be against abortions that's your business, it's when you start torturing the women who want an abortion that I get upset.
to answer this question, we'd have to come together on the subject of space-time manipulation -- vote for more funding, and in roughly 10 years (with luck), go back [#] years to the time that cpodug was a teen, and institute mandatory sex-education in all public or private schools and especially in fundie homes, by including sex-and-intercourse-related questions on the exam to earn a GED.
Edit: OR bypass the school system of yester-year and just make a short educational film, which we would convince the government to allow us to air randomly and frequently, on every christian television station ... for years. cpodug would learn the answer to this question roughly a year before he asked (once again, with luck), therefore saving all of us a truly prodigious headdesk.
I take it you are implying that someone who supports choice would never make the choice to have a child of her own. Oh, well, of course it must be that way - anyone who supports a woman's right to choose is automatically, and obviously, a baby hater.
That is exactly the kind of thinking that turned you into a fundie in the first place.
Because she choose to have the kid. This is the other problem with the pro-lifers. They see the other side of the argument as pro-abortion not pro-choice. They see people who support abortion rights as people who get pregant and get abortions, and the doctors who perform the operations as millionaries who got their money off the blood of unborn fetuses.
The authoritarian fundie mindset in a nutshell. They want to tell everyone else what to do, so they think the people opposing them want to do the same, just with opposite instructions. As opposed to wanting to leave it a free choice for the individual.
These people project so much they must have to change their bulbs weekly.
Um...I'm am adamantly and emphatically pro-choice and I have THREE happy, wanted and much-adored children.
Supporting a woman's choice and availablility of safe abortions does not in any way equal a desire to never have children or a desire to have multiple abortions.
It's just way more fun for you to think that you're morally superior to people who support/have had abortions, than to acknowledge that people who are pro-choice are also loving parents who want to have their own children.
I'd be willing to wager also that my three children are happier, more open minded, more capable of logical thinking, less paranoid and altogether more well-adjusted and secure than yours.
But then, I'm not raising mine in a houshold filled with purposeful misinformation regarding non-christians or instilling a deep-seated persecution complex fueled by bible-generated paranoia.
Call me nutty.
There is no such thing as "pro-abortion". There IS such a thing as "pro-choice" and "anti-choice".
Just for you, cpodug, I will spell it out.
Pro-choice women (sometimes called feminists!) support health and natal care, counselling, financial, mental and emotional support, birth control and yes, abortion, for women everywhere. They support the right a woman has to personal sovereignity and accept that she is a person with her own mind, not a brainless walking womb. They do not put a zygote/fetus above the life of an already-living human. They do not castigate women for having sex, or implying that they somehow lose part of themselves every time they do.
They do not use bronze age beliefs to shame women into becoming unnatural drones. They do not employ a pussy police to make sure women use their bodies according to their impossible double standards (y hallo thar patriarchy). They do not believe that if a woman has an abortion for whatever reason, it somehow diminishes their ability to love and care for another child (if one is wanted) in the future. They support GBLT adoption and procreation. They support older women who want to become mothers through in vitro or adoption. They do not think of women who choose to remain child-free as "baby-haters" or "different" from those who choose to reproduce. Why? Its pro-CHOICE!
Now take all that, and turn it on its head, and that is what the anti-choicers want.
Wow, just wow. I don't think any pro choice supporter, myself included, would advocate the views on the abortion the people in the comments advocates. Abortions are not something most people take lightly, people don't casually do them after sex, and are most definitely not fun.
They are painful experience, but sometimes, it's the right decision for the woman.
See, when a man and a woman REALLY loves a woman....
Seriously, does he describe ejaculating in a woman's vagina as 'peeing in her butt' too?
These fundies seem to take personal offence when they have to observe that the Pro-Choicers don't follow their weird prejudices.
Pro-Choicers DONT WANT to "kill-every-baby-and-destroy-families".
It must be deep psychological pain for a conservative fundie to see liberal, secular humanist, and HAPPY families. As of the conservative ideology, it's the "Pro-Lifers" who have exclusive rights on "family values". In reality, it's often quite the contrary. Often, it's deeply conservative families who pretend a facade of happiness to the outside, but it's hell in the inside.
"Inquiring minds want to know."
So, you're saying you have more than one mind? Well, that would explain a lot, actually. I won't even begin to comment on your absurd statement, many have done that already better than i can at the moment.
She's a staunch supporter of Choice, not abortion per se. She probably thinks that it's every woman's right to decide what's happening to her own body, and that, if a woman decides she can't or won't have a baby right now, she has a right to safe termination. If she decides she can and want to have a baby right now, that should ALSO be her right, even if she's not married.
Can you be more nosy, than to poke around in other people's sexual life and wombs?
I used to hate it (when I started realizing that we were involuntarily childless), when people said "isn't it time to start a family soon?" What business was that of theirs? We had been trying to "start a family" for years, but we weren't blabbering about it to everyone. We actually saw ourselves as already BEING a family, a small one, sure, but still a family. After I turned 35 (or somewhere around there) people stopped asking...
Sorry, a bit off topic. It was the nosing around and being inquisitive that got me going.
Not to be nosy, but what has another person's individual choices got to do with you? If you're such a staunch Pro-Lifer, why weren't you protesting against Dumbya's invasion of Iraq, with the thousands of innocent civilians murdered there as a result of such, no doubt including pregnant women?
Enquiring minds want to know.
That's right, you can't support the right to an abortion without actually aborting every pregnancy. Just like how you can't support firearms rights unless you shoot every person you meet dead.
You must wake up in a brand new world every day. It must really be wonderful.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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