Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

INTEL COMING OUT RE POSSIBLE ATTEMPT WILL BE MADE TO OPEN A PORTAL during the ECLIPSE AND LET IN CERTAIN ALIEN GROUP TO attack ala Project Blue Beam which is supposed to be a fake alien invasion scenario that in theory could involve real aliens… playing their part… One soldier in SPACE FORCE who rebelled against this effort being held in confinement at this time. CERN opens portals all the time. It is possible that CERN could be involved in this effort as well. The missles NASA is planning on shooting could be to OPEN a portal or force pierce a hole through the Van Allen Belt to aid in this operation… DEVELOPING STORY.

ALONG THESE LINES, Courtney Brown and his Remote Viewing team have discovered that the REPTILIANS are shooting down “good guy” ET UFOS and torturing the occupants aided by the U.S. SECRET SPACE FORCE (Space Force) military. Which means the REPTILIANS are in control of some if not all of our secret space program and in command of SURFACE EARTH.

When DAVID CHARLES GRUSCH, former National Reconnaissance Officer Representative, (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force) is reporting on crash retrievals he is reporting the craft being shot down by our Reptilian contingent.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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