"Show me 1, JUST ONE, benefit homosexuality has brought to society, our society."
Oh, I only need one, Mr. Cunter:
Alan Turing. Whose vital work in decoding the Nazis' encrypted Enigma transmissions (initially via his 'Bombes', then later in his development of the first digital computer, Colossus) shortened the War in Europe part of WWII by at least three years, thus 600,000+ US troops came home.
Mayhaps one of those 600,000 was your grandfather, Mr. Cunting? So, not only did Turing's work at Bletchley Park ensure your potential existence (and millions of other subsequent generations of Americans), he ensured the continued existence of the US as a whole; to say nothing of your Constitution's continued existence, and your freedom of speech, nay, right to practice your religion today. He brought into being the very thing you're using right now (and thus by definition, the Internet) too.
You and your country owe more than your very souls to the above man. As far as you're concerned, he is God.
Alan Turing was a homosexual. And it gets better, Mr. Cunting. He was also an Atheist. And a scientist, no less.
Just one man. One homosexual man, is responsible for the existence of you, your country, and what makes it what it is: Free. Like I say, I only need one.
Guess who's having the last laugh, Mr. Cunter. And he's dead.
Now, compared to the above, show me one, just ONE, benefit right-wing Fundamentalist Christianity has brought to not only civilised democratic society, but our planet?
It's okay, I can wait...!