Extremism in defense of the virtue of our race is no vice.
I’m starting to think there is no left or right, per sa. The left was created by Jews, and by default there was a right manifestation to counter it. Its a false paradigm designed to confuse and divide most people. Now they are infiltrating the right with the Judo-Christina tradition with kosher conservative news sites like newsmax, jihadwathch, frontpage, thereligionofpeace, etc.. just to confuse things even more. Hitler was a manifestation of of the left, but it got turned into the right-wing smear campaign industry by Hollywood – more twisted brainwashing.
The Occupy Movement recognize who the bankers are; the conservatives recognize who Hollywood and the bankers are; but yet, the Occupy Movement and conservatives are opposed to each other – at least, for the time being. Even most muslims recognize that the Zionists are the real problem.
Wall Street today is an awful group of looters and if the Tea Party truly cared about bailouts and not that the president was black they'd be joining Occupy. Big banks in other countries are by and large just as bad.
Wall Street is not exclusively nor even primarily Jewish.
"Extremism in defense of the virtue of our race is no vice."
And pizza is a fruit. You can make any damn claim you want, but that doesn't fucking make it true.
Why is it so hard for people to wrap their heads around this concept?
I'm of Jewish decent (although non-religious), and believe me, amongst my people, there are plenty that could not be considered anywhere near left, like the Chasadim and other frummers. They share more in common with right wing Christians (and fundamentalist Muslims) than you would ever like to admit.
Come to Germany you US piece of shit and let us introduce to this left thing.
If I hate one thing more than fundies, it's people who get nazi details wrong.
This waffle got everything wrong except the part about the occupy movement recognizing who the bankers are.
PS. The bankers are not jews.
This person is confused by the fact that there are both left-wing and right-wing Jews. So he comes to the conclusion that it's all a smokescreen for the machinations of them wicked Jews.
"The left was created by Jews" Nope. The phrases "left wing" and "right wing" come from the French parliament. Socialism existed before Marx, a lot of socialist writers and theorists have been Jews, a lot haven't been. Some socialists and even anarchists were even anti-Semitic.
In the modern world, Jews range all over the political spectrum. One is forced to the conclusion that there is nothing uniquely manipulative or wicked about them, and they are just like everyone else.
"Hitler was a manifestation of the left". No. Hitler was a manifestation of nationalism. His socialism was "national". It was a kind of control of industry for war mobilisation purposes, in order to expand the Reich so that the superior Aryan race could dominate. So, Nazism was in fact a manifestation of the opposite of egalitarianism; elitism.
Why is it that in the 20s and 30s the German communists and other leftists fought pitched battles with the Nazis in the streets? It wasn't fighting between two left-wing factions. They were clearly recognised as reactionary, nationalist, militarist, and conservative.
Stop trying to paint everyone with the brush of your own stupid bigotry.
I don't think OWS give a fuck who the bankers are, or to what religion they belong. They only care that the bankers are irresponsible arseholes who have all the money.
Don't forget that the Jews are also responsible every time you sit down on the toilet and realize there's no toilet paper until after you finish your business.
And you know after you wash your car and then you find bird crap on it? Jews.
People who cut you off in traffic? Jews.
People who go through the express lane at the supermarket with more than 12 items? It's a Jewish conspiracy to waste your time.
Hitler was a manifestation of of the left
So Hitler was the first commie-nazi?
Also if the Jooos created "The Left" and Hitler was a manifestation of "The Left", wouldn't that make Hitler a Jooo as well?
See what those pesky Jooos did there? Yeah, I tell you, You just got to keep an eye on those Jooos constantly.
Wow, you got all the keywords for conspiracy alright...Jews, paradigm, confuse, infiltrating, Hitler,smear campaign, Hollywood, brainwashing,bankers, Zionists...
You're still wrong though.
I'm going to test something here. I'm going to try a new principle: "If it makes the same amount of sense when you change it to fit a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then it's a crazy moronic idea."
Here we go.
Extremism in defense of the virtue of our sandwiches is no vice.
I’m starting to think there is no peanut butter or jelly, per sa. The peanut butter was created by Jews, and by default there was a jelly manifestation to counter it. Its a false paradigm designed to confuse and divide most people. Now they are infiltrating the jelly with the PB&J tradition with kosher conservative sandwich sites like newsmax, jihadwathch, frontpage, thereligionofpeace, etc.. just to confuse things even more. Hitler was a manifestation of of the peanut butter, but it got turned into the jelly smear campaign industry by Hollywood more twisted brainwashing.
The Peanut Butter on Top Movement recognize who the sandwichmakers are; the Jelly on Toppers recognize who Hollywood and the sandwichmakers are; but yet, the PB Movement and Jellies are opposed to each other at least, for the time being. Even most BLTers recognize that the Zionists are the real problem.
Ooh, I was so close, but I think it makes even more sense now.
I don't know what per sa means, but you're right, no right/left.
This is a more accurate representation of the American political system:
What is this Judo-Christina tradition? I'd assume it involves worshipping a girl named Christina who kicks ass at judo?
Makes just as much sense as everything else on here. Occidental Dissent is probably the stupidest webs(h)ite on the internet.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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