Gerges Francis Tawdrous #crackpot

Earth Moon moves with 2 Rates Of Time (I)

What does mean 2 rates of time? 1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth In this equation there are 2 rates of time How to create them? By relativistic effects –in the solar group I have claimed that there's a physical point moves by a velocity =0.9999 C – where c= light known velocity =0.3 mkm/sec Based on this light velocity length contraction with rate 71 can be created but if the moon orbital inclination 5.1 degrees effect on the result will be 71 x 5.1 = 365.25 days (also Length contraction effect may contract 71 mkm to be seen as 1 mkm) But if Time And Distance Equivalence (Proves) (my previous paper) That means 1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth Example 10921 km (Moon Circumference) x 86400 seconds (Solar Day Period) = 940 mkm (Earth orbital circumference) (Moon = Earth Moon) What does this equation tell us? The equation tells that If Earth revolves around the sun one complete revolution in one solar day only – so the moon circumference will equal a distance passed by Earth Motion during 1 second period. So this equation refers to the possibility of existence more than one rate of time in the solar system – where T1= 1day and T2 = 365.265 days



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