Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In this interview my long time source JP, who currently serves with the US Army, explains that an ovoid shaped space ark under the Ukraine desert (Oleshky Sands) near the city of Kherson has been taken over by the Russian army. JP says that a team of US special forces were sent on a covert mission to the Ark, prior to the invasion, and went missing.

The Ark possesses exotic plant life and the Russian military also seeks to control another smaller space ark located near the city of Kiev according to what JP heard in a classified briefing. He says that Russia already possesses a space ark in its own territory which possesses exotic technology. JP says that Russia is denying the US access to the space arks under its control in order to gain concessions on US geopolitical policies.

JP describes another space ark in central Brazil (Caldas Novas) and says that all the space arks are being activated and form an integrated network that will eventually float into the sky in what will amount to a global disclosure event. He says that the arks and the extraterrestrial fleet connected to them represent a benign force and will help humanity enter a new golden age.

Note: Just prior to the release of this interview, JP informed me that the US special team had been found and had safely left Ukraine.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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