Ex-Detroiter #racist #wingnut #elitist stormfront.org
You are thinking of us they way you have been told to think of us. Most of what you accuse us of, simply is not true.
Nevertheless, if blacks are to live in a white land, we expect them to behave in a civilized white way. Many of you don’t.
Years ago, blacks clamored for “equal opportunity.” For the most part you have it. Now, if blacks aren’t proportionally represented in the upper classes or in education or on boards of directors, you exclaim white oppression, with the certainty that since blacks are the equal of whites, the ONLY reason there remain differences must be due to racial discrimination.
Well, young lady, there are differences – substantial difference. We are beginning to build a list here:
Scientific Proof of Racial Differences
So, review the documentation and understand you only have yourselves to blame for the inequality of outcome.