
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

BurdensomeCountV3 #elitist reddit.com

The caste system is unironically a good thing. A huge part of the problems of the west over the last 80 years have been caused by the lower classes being given more power and voice than they should have.

Lower class people are like fire: they make good servants but bad masters. The caste system mostly serves to keep them down in their proper place.

Of course it's not perfect (some portion of people born in the lower classes actually deserve to be in a higher one and we should dedicate resources towards finding and uplifting such people to their true place in society) but it's a hell of a lot better than the whole "everyone is fundamentally equal" BS we're now having to contend with the consequences of.

Donald Trump #wingnut #elitist truthsocial.com

The Democrats are all “giddy” about our magnificent American Flag potentially being at “half mast” during my Inauguration. They think it’s so great, and are so happy about it because, in actuality, they don’t love our Country, they only think about themselves. Look at what they’ve done to our once GREAT America over the past four years - It’s a total mess! In any event, because of the death of President Jimmy Carter, the Flag may, for the first time ever during an Inauguration of a future President, be at half mast. Nobody wants to see this, and no American can be happy about it. Let’s see how it plays out. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Blood Bath & Beyond #elitist #transphobia #racist kiwifarms.st

Thank God Linux is open source so that just because some group of faggots go around calling themselves “The Linux Foundation” all it takes to to make them cope, seethe and dilate is to fork it, call it Sneed Linux and make “intentional tranny exclusion” a core value of the code of conduct all wrapped up neatly under a +NIGGER GPLv2 license.

Ana Kasparian #elitist twitter.com

CA, and especially LA, is controlled by Democrats. THEY are responsible. No more passing the buck.

Our Mayor, who was in Ghana as fires exploded in our city, cut the fire budget by $17 million. Endless amounts of money funneled to bullshit scammer homeless nonprofits. We’re the highest taxed yet we have encampments and squalor everywhere. Even worse, we don’t have enough firefighters to respond to the absolute disaster we’re experiencing right now. Rather than conserve the record rain we got last year, we just drained it into the ocean. We are a failing city run by a sick excuse for local government.

You want to radicalize people against the modern Democratic Party? Send them to LA.

Rev. Joel Webbon #sexist #elitist #fundie peoplefor.org

While Webbon does not think that women should have the right to vote, he explained during a recent podcast that he currently allow his own wife to vote so that she can "concede" her rights back to him by casting her vote in accordance "with the decision that I make for our family"[…]
"If we ever got to the point where it was on the docket and it was something, ironically, that America was voting for—voting to take away the vote of women—me and my wife would both vote on principle, with conviction to take away her vote," Webbon said. "I believe in representative government at every single level all the way down to the household. It doesn't go down to the individual; it stops at the household"[…]
Webbon said that if he votes and his wife doesn't, then his household is losing half its vote and so "in prudence" he allows his wife to vote to ensure that he gets his "full household vote"

"We currently live in a wicked time with wicked rulers who are dominated by feminism and hate men," Webbon declared[…]
In an effort to assure women that he is not just "picking on them," Webbon added that unmarried men, men without children, and men who do not own property should also be stripped of the right to vote

"We should repeal the 19th Amendment because we love God and because we love women," Webbon said. "But beyond that, it's really more than just that. Universal suffrage is not God's design, so there's a lot of men who shouldn't be voting either"

"You need to be a head of household," he stated. "You need to have a stake in the country as it presently lies, but also a stake in the future. That's why marriage is important because it indicates child-bearing, these kinds of things, future generations. A stake in the country also in terms of ownership; land owning males"[…]
"Leaders should vote and God has given it to men to be leaders, and certain men have abdicated that leadership and therefore they should not have the right to vote either"

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist takimag.com

I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the course. One such jerk, writing in The New York Review of Books after November 7, announced the following: “There will be mass round ups and treason trials….” In other words, Stalin- and Hitler-like methods in the Land of the Free. The author of such rubbish is one Fintan O’Toole, probably the kind of wokester who thinks opening a door is unpaid labor.

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist elizabethnickson.substack.com

It’s the voice that drives me crazy. The drawl, the self-satisfied well-fed glottal stop, layers of expensive fat choking the windpipe, I can even hear that. Even the quickness of speech annoys me. So certain, no pause for reflection, just words unfurling from a 3 Sigma intelligence. Never missed a meal, anxiety curbed by privilege so entrenched they can’t even imagine. Thin, carefully enhanced thirty year old women, the cynicism of a bored aristocrat bleeding from their voices, that vocal fry drawling, knowing it all, having seen it all, never having left their Ivy colleges, their leafy suburbs, never going without anything, much less a desperately needed holiday, rent money, food. My fingers itch to slap them.

They bankrupted us. They ruined the lives of the bottom 70%. They spent ALL the money. They then proceeded to bankrupt the world. Realizing the money was all gone, their gamemasters tried to kill us off, first with an engineered virus that failed, then with a vaccine that didn’t. Then they ran up $10 trillion in four years trying to keep the vegetable in power, to get to that point where the Green New Deal paid off in torrents of lovely other people’s money.
But we lasted 400 years. They lasted 50. We will see their death, their gasping flapping on the dock, their floundering around for wreckage to cling to, their slinking over to the side of the people they called garbage. Their attempt to find a berth using ideas they have been trained to loathe. They won’t come back. It’s over for them. They have failed. Wednesday’s Continuing Resolution illustrates their retreat pattern.

The deplorables rose up in a great wave and defeated it. Oh I know the blithering morons think it was Trump and Musk, but trust me on this, Trump and Musk are a symptom, not a cause. The blowback, the underlying thinking had been developing for forty years among the garbage people. Trump is our weapon. So is Musk. They. Follow. Us. They are using our ideas. We are the brains trust.

American Nihilist Underground Society #crackpot #elitist #god-complex #moonbat #psycho #wingnut web.archive.org

A great man fallen [Tribute to Kim Jong-il shortly after his passing]

Here at ANUS, we love all dictators.

They understand a divine wisdom: humanity is a means to an end.

Humanity as an end in itself is an unterminated question. It asks itself perpetually in tautological form what it wants to do. It doesn't know. So it manufactures internal drama and the cycle goes on, circular logic ad infinitum.

Genius minds like Josef Stalin recognized that people were like clay to be molded into greater things. And if you trimmed some extra clay, so what? The normal person does nothing that particularly binds them to this life. "Not wanting to die is your (only) reason to live."

King Jong-Il was another spectacular dictator. Like other critics of the society of humans-as-the-goal-of-humanity, such as school shooters, Ted Kaczynski, Pentti Linkola, Friedrich Nietzsche and others who truly saw that society was a massive failure, Kim Jong-Il shaped his people like clay. He made an empire where none was before. And if they starve? The piercing pains are just that much more meaning to life, much more than they would find while sitting in a Brooklyn apartment getting obese on fast food and imported wine between scintillating stints at their day jobs as designers or press release supervisors or whatever make-work crap passes for important in capitalism these days.

We will miss you, Kim Jong-Il. You were one of the few who understood. We must oppress ourselves or we degenerate. In this way alone, all dictators are closer to heaven than the average human could ever dream of being.

Brett Stevens #crackpot #elitist #forced-birth #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

DiversityWatch (November 12, 2024)


*Daniel Penny trial live updates: Subway chokehold case back in court Tuesday

Pro-diversity people keep flogging this case despite its massive unpopularity because most New Yorkers wish someone would put crazy people on the subway in a chokehold when they terrify innocents. These chokeholds do not kill you if you just stop struggling and relax. Successful societies build up huge reservoirs of useless people and unless they purge the useless, they drown in uselessness and become third world ruins. Diversity just makes this much worse.

*Dehumanizing child-free women in film and TV gives misogyny a stage

Leftists think that asserting biology is misogyny, but normal people like having families and grandkids, especially since ending the family line is painful.

*Study links abortion access to women’s economic outcomes

Poor people are less poor when they are able to abort their offspring. Imagine what would happen if we ended all welfare wealth transfer programs and the poor had to get their act together or perish. Instead of stopping productive people from having extra kids, we would stop subsidizing future poor, and instead have a wealthier, saner, healthier, and more prosperous society.


*A pair of Trump officials have defended family separation and ramped-up deportations

Screeching outrage as people demand laws must be followed uniformly not only when convenient for Leftists.


*Queen Bey and Yale: The Ivy League university is set to offer a course on Beyoncé and her legacy

Diversity has replaced our culture, leaving us with nothing but xenophilia.


*The refrigerator as a harbinger of a better life

What lessened poverty worldwide? Technology, brought to you by capitalism and White people.


*The Case for Mass Deportations

America was a happier place with 120m WASPs than it has been with 320m mystery meat people. Send the Irish back!


Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #magick #mammon #conspiracy #elitist amg-news.com

Tiered Redemption: Separating the Informed from the Ignorant

At the heart of this economic revolution is the concept of Tiered Redemption. To understand it is to understand your place in the GCR/RV landscape. Tiered Redemption refers to the process by which individuals will redeem or exchange their currency for new, revalued assets. The tiers represent different groups of people based on their level of awareness and preparedness.

Tier 4B: The Awakened Ones. Tier 4B is a term used to describe the group of individuals who are informed about the GCR/RV and have taken action to position themselves for redemption. These are the truth-seekers, the early adopters, and the warriors in the ongoing Information War. This group, often referred to as the “Internet Group,” has access to knowledge and opportunities that the mainstream Tier 5 remains blind to.

Tier 5: The Uninformed Masses. Tier 5, on the other hand, is composed of the general public – those who have yet to wake up to the realities of the GCR/RV. This group remains tethered to traditional financial systems, unaware that the world is shifting beneath their feet. They will be the last to know, the last to benefit, and perhaps, the last to survive in this new financial order.

The distinction between these two tiers is stark, and it is not arbitrary. It’s a result of information accessibility and the willingness to question the status quo. In a world dominated by disinformation and controlled narratives, those in Tier 4B have pierced the veil, positioning themselves as the vanguard of the coming Golden Age.

Joel Webbon #fundie #elitist #forced-birth #psycho #sexist rightwingwatch.org

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist who believes that the American people are too degenerate, stupid, and cowardly to abide by the Constitution and must therefore be governed by a Christian dictator. This dictator, Webbon believes, must “rule with an iron fist” and force everyone to, at the very least, “pretend to be Christian.”

Under his preferred form of Christian nationalist theocracy, Webbon wants to see the Apostles’ Creed added to the Constitution; abortion, pornography, no-fault divorce, in vitro fertilization, and birth control outlawed; non-Christians kept out of his neighborhood; and every non-Protestant Christian reduced to second-class citizenship.

Webbon, of course, is also a misogynist who wants to see women banned from voting, so naturally he is deeply alarmed by the prospect of Vice President Kamala Harris winning the election in November, as he made clear during a recent podcast.

“I believe it’s Isaiah that says that one of God’s judgments and curses on a nation is that they will be ruled by children and women,” Webbon said, citing Isaiah 3.”It’s not like if we get Kamala, then we’re going to have sinful policies and then we’ll be judged by God. That’s true, but it’s not just that Kamala will invoke judgment by wicked policies; Kamala is the judgment because of all the wickedness that we’ve already accrued.”

“We have been a wicked, rebellious, apostate nation for decades and decades and decades,” he continued. “Kamala is not the sin that will result in judgment; Kamala is the judgment that is the result for all of our past. The judgment is being ruled by women.”

“Why is that a judgment?” he asked, rhetorically. “Because the Bible said so. That’s why.”

“Women are not fit for that role,” Webbon asserted.

In 2023, Webbon was among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel.” Drafted by Christian nationalists like Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, former Trump administration official William Wolfe, and others, the document declared that the United States must formally “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.”

Emil Kirkegaard #crackpot #racist #elitist #pratt #conspiracy emilkirkegaard.dk

[From “A hereditarian revolution, maybe”]

Back in February, Nathan Cofnas wrote an influential piece A Guide for the Hereditarian Revolution[…]
The Republicans have taken control of the presidency, senate, very probably the house, and they already had the supreme court. While Trump does occasionally post about intelligence, genetics, crime etc., he’s not an intellectual. However, the vice president elect[…]Vance reads books and blogs[…]There is a decent chance he knows the central facts of HBD (defined broadly as biological influences on human differences, whether these are sexes, sexual orientations, races, criminals[…]). To this we can add that Elon musk follows and engages with Crémieux, Wilfred Reilly, i/o, datahazard, Colin Wright, Hanania, as well as edge accounts iamyesyouareno and Defiant L’s. Given that Musk grew up in South Africa, he’s almost guaranteed to know about Black-White IQ gaps and crime rates. Given this, some of the Republican elites can probably be assumed to be at least HBD aware

Does this change anything? Hanania thinks most politics is top-down[…]Maybe for the first time in a while, some top US politicians are red pilled. This has happened before. Take this recording of a phone call between US Republican president Richard Nixon and his advisor Daniel Moynihan in 1971[…]

The 25-minute conversation begins with a discussion about an article called “IQ” that Richard Herrnstein had just published in The Atlantic and that Moynihan had sent to Nixon. This was a comprehensive, 18-page explanation of the heritability of intelligence[…]

Their policy of keeping it secret that they knew led to another 50+ years of race conflicts, affirmative action and a climate of lies[…]
•Something must be done about the egalitarian infestation in academia[…]
•Punish publicly funded universities that undermine science by firing or otherwise harassing dissident professors[…]
•Musk must make sure there are non-Woke AIs on the market

Woke Content Detector #ableist #biphobia #conspiracy #elitist #enbyphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut docs.google.com

These are some examples from the Steam group Woke Content Detector

Starfield: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ and overtly pro-DEI messaging. Pronoun selection including the option for they/them. Uses body type 1 and 2 instead of male/female. Improbably diverse NPCs in all areas.

Shovel Knight: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Now includes a body swap mode that allows you to independently change whether each character is male or female for his/her body and text.

Hogwarts Legacy: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains overtly pro-DEI messaging. 1800s Scotland somehow has diverse, LGBTQ+ characters. uses body type instead of biological sex.

Call of Duty: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ images. Multiple pride flag calling cards and emblems.

Red Dead Redemption: Contains subtly pro-DEI messaging. Several minor characters espouse modern day political sentiments. As an example: the nps Sadie Adler behaves the same way a modern day feminist would.

Skyrim: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains subtly pro-DEI messaging. Homosexual marriage options. An NPC in Whiterun asks you whether the sight of a strong Nord woman offends you.

Fallout New Vegas: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Many minor LGBTQ+ npcs, including 2 possible companions. The Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchex La Femme perks unlock homosexual dialogue options with certain npcs.

Dark Souls: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. The boss character Gwyndolin was born a male but raised as a female and given clothes and a magic ring to help him act like a female.

Final Fantasy 7: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains subtly pro-climate action messaging. Forced cross-dressing. You start the game working for an ecoterrorism group.

Super Lesbian Animal RPG: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Features a lesbian romance involving the player character. Multiple non-binary npcs that use they/them pronouns.

Donald trump #ableist #mammon #psycho #elitist twitter.com

I’m Fred Trump. I am the father of William Trump, a young man with complex disabilities. Donald has never asked, and not once ever met William. Which is, frankly, he’s missed out on a lot, getting to know William. When Donald was inaugurated, I knew that would be an opportunity for me and my wife Lisa to try to use his position as the president to the benefit of folks with intellectual and developmental disabilities. First person we reached out to was my cousin Ivanka. She was great and set us up a meeting with Ben Carson for as you may know housing issues for the disabled are a very tough issue. Throughout the couple of years, met with various other organizations within the executive branch. It culminated in a meeting in the white house in may of 2020. Covid was raging at the time, we were in the midst of an election. We had a final meeting with Donald, just to let Donald know personally, I had called him and said look, I really need you to listen to this okay?And he did and we spent 45 minutes. The meeting dispersed and he called me back in and we chatted for a minute and he goes “You know those people, all those expenses, those people should just die.” That was a brutal thing to hear, on the large scale. But then a few years later we were talking about something and, mentioning William, he goes “Your son doesn’t recognize you, let him die and move down to Florida.”

I don’t know how to explain how somebody could say that about any human being, but to say it about your grand nephew was beyond anything I could imagine.

Devon Erikson #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #elitist twitter.com

- They, themselves, are luxury people. Civilization does not need them. It does need the specific subset of straight white males they are at war with.

- Their agenda is a luxury morality. Civilization will not collapse if someone says that male and female brains are different, that a man in a dress is not a woman, or that the dregs of third world Muslim failed nations are not a suitable replacement for the white male button-down-shirted NASA engineers of the 1950s.

- The agenda of their opposition, the aforesaid straight white males, is not a luxury morality. Civilization will indeed collapse if positions of responsibility are not handed out according to capability and trustworthiness.

What we desperately need certain people to understand, so that we don't end up having to imprison or kill them to save civilization, is that democracy is not a general synonym for "fair and enlightened modern civilization in general".

Jeb Smith #wingnut #elitist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From “Can Conservativism be Maintained in a Democracy?”]

American conservative media pundits argue that in order to restore liberty and conservative ideas: all the citizens need to do is defeat the Democrats and replace establishment Republicans with true conservatives. We are never told how this is to be achieved when the overwhelming majority of voters are raised by a government teaching them to hate conservative ideas while our culture promotes progressivism[…]
Even the times under the Articles of Confederation, and later under the Constitution were not the libertarian paradise[…]Just as the Tories warned replacing a king with politicians would do, it quickly became far more tyrannical under local and federal representatives than under King George[…]
American Christians celebrate our perceived conservative and Christian form of governance, but compared to the Middle Ages we would be viewed as secular and progressive[…]
By their nature, democracy, representatives, and legislative branches are progressive. Under medieval kingship, the law and government have no professional legislative branch. Law did not “evolve” or grow; it remained intact and protected[…]
So long as the democratic state exists, liberty and property rights need diligent protection. Even if you play great defense and win 95% of the time, the other 5% will drastically transform society[…]
Conservatives must be aware that the progressive ideas of the past are now being embraced and advocated by their own leaders and politicians. They reject only sections of the current progressive agenda[…]
Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln defeated the libertarians and reactionaries of the South and destroyed the last remnants of the Founder’s Republic[…]
What the Founders meant by “we the people” differed significantly from Lincoln’s or the modern Republicans’ belief in urban masses and voter expansion. The former meant the large landowning aristocratic representatives of sovereign states

TatoruzuX #racist #conspiracy #elitist #pratt twitter.com

The Chinese and Indian students never spoke with any of the American students. The Chinese students didn't even speak English. Both the Chinese and Indian students were caught and warned multiple times for copy + pasting their code and turning in the same exact projects line-for-line. And on tests, they would obviously cheat but the professors would usually turn a blind eye. There was one Chinese student who was kicked out for academic integrity reasons, but the foreign students made enough of a fuss about "racism" that it was unlikely to happen again.

I mostly ignored the Chinese and Indians and let them do their own thing. By the time I reached the 200-level Math classes required for my CS degree, the classes were filled with Indians and Chinese students who typically got by through cheating and collaborating with each other, and a couple extremely talented White dudes who actually knew what was going on.

As such, all of the Math TAs were South Asian or Chinese. Well, one day my Math professor decided to take a sabbatical for a few weeks, and he'd return for the big midterm exam. In the meantime, he put a South Asian senior student in charge of teaching the class while he was gone. She barely knew English, and I shit you not, she taught the class in Hindi. I learned nothing in class during those few weeks and there was nobody who spoke a word of English to review the homework with. Obviously, the Indian kids had no problems...

I ended up switching my major and pursued a humanities degree instead despite completing most of the CS classes that were required for a CS major.

Higher education, especially STEM, is designed to disadvantage White students. From admissions, to grants/aid, to corrupt or afraid anti-White professors, to nepotism.

Many of the Indian students in my graduating class who cheated their way to their degree were set up with post-graduate programs specifically designed to give foreign students jobs after graduation to prevent them from getting deported. Most of them don't write a single line of code at their jobs; they just manage Excel spreadsheets.

Brett Stevens #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut amerika.org


The problem with power is that the more it is exercised, whether to prohibit things, rank people with tests, or to give free gifts like the welfare state, the less the population can fend for itself. Through degeneration, over generations they lose the ability for independent thought and action.

Elites during these times become so accustomed to being the committee that “just writes checks” and buys off every special interest group, victim, or failure that they eventually want to become the dispensers of money to everyone, because then they will have total allegiance. This is why intellectuals love Socialism.


Change the genetics and you change the politics. Funny how that is, since changing the genetics also changes the culture, average IQ, abilities, and attitude toward fair play and the law. Not surprisingly, the group in charge now is heavily invested in bringing other diversity into the nation to further destroy what is left of the WASPs.

Arguably, on top of that, our nü-elites make their money from the government and therefore depend on Keynesian socialism to produce the consumer base that buys their products and keeps their stocks at a high value; our elites are the product of LBJ socialism in the vein of FDR socialism [...]


Johnson transformed our government by dedicating it to fighting poverty and “racism” instead of aiming to be prosperous and creative. Not surprisingly, jobs became jails, the sexes became alienated, diversity riots broke out frequently, and infrastructure crumbled as people became hopeless and bitter.

Our only remaining solution is to go back to the WASP elite. Racial nationalism does not work, nor does civic nationalism, but ethno-nationalism does, and the ethnic Western European Cro-Magnid/Nordic-Germanic ethnic group was the last one to make America into a place we could be proud of, without socialism or diversity either.

Laura Loomer #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #pratt angrywhitemen.org

White nationalist conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer doubled down on her false accusations against Haitian migrants on the latest episode of her Rumble show, Loomer Unleashed. In addition to repeating the lie that Haitian migrants are eating household pets, Loomer also accused them of “eating people.”

Loomer attacked comedian Jimmy Kimmel for mocking racist statements she made on her X account, including one where she wrote that Haitian migrants “eat HUMANS.”

“In fact, Jimmy Kimmel the other night decided that he was gonna make fun of me and he was gonna show my tweet live on air, and make fun of the fact that I was pointing out that these Haitians are cannibals and they’re also eating people’s pets,” she said.

After playing a clip from Kimmel’s show, she defended her accusations of cannibalism by citing an article from India Today about Jimmy Chérizier, a Haitian ex-cop and gang leader. Loomer insisted that Chérizier’s nickname, “Barbeque,” was related to cannibalism or to a practice of burning his enemies alive. (It isn’t.)

“So no, Jimmy Kimmel’s lying,” she declared. “He’s attacking me as a racist, saying that I’m beyond the pale and that I’m a racist and that I’m a terrible person. But they do. The Haitians are eating people. They’re cannibals. Not all of them. But a lot of them are.”

Loomer asked how it’s “racist” to say that Haitians are “eating people” and “eating people’s pets,” and angrily said that Americans “don’t practice cannibalism.”

“It’s disgusting,” she said. “It’s Third World. It’s beyond Third World. I mean it’s like, it’s like for — it’s like for people and, I don’t know, living in the jungle, you know? It’s like — I don’t even know if people, like, living in the jungle do this, right? It’s animalistic behavior. It’s like Stone Age behavior.”

Calling it “crazy” that “they wanna deny that there are Haitian cannibals” and that “there are people’s pets that are being eaten,” Loomer pulled up a video which she said was of a “Haitian migrant barbequing somebody’s cat.”

The video, which was reposted online by far-right propagandist Chris Rufo, was originally taken in 2023 by a man from Dayton, OH. As CBS News reported, the video “shows what appears to be animal carcasses on a grill,” and the “man filming the footage alleges, without evidence, that they are cats.”

Samurai #homophobia #dunning-kruger #elitist incels.is

99% of sexhavers are secretly gay (Scientific proof)

When a woman blows her bf/husband, very often, the man will kiss her after that and even full on makeout with her. He's literally kissing and making out with his own private parts and traces of his own ejaculate.

Meanwhile, us Incels have class and would never interact in such faggotry.

James Carville #transphobia #racist #elitist pjmedia.com

Anybody that questions the absolute, unquestionable benefits of transition surgery is going to be called this equivalent of being against civil rights or being against women having the right to vote … somebody can fact-check me, it’s banned in Nordic countries. I think the liberal Labour government of Britain just passed legislation on that question.

But you can’t — if you say the border, we should have had something different — well, that makes you a racist. If you say that we should proceed with caution on this transition surgery … then you’re slammed. And the tyranny of the left is tyranny. And not only tyranny that it causes people grief, it loses us elections, people. And I got to tell you … there are people that think this, and I’m increasingly agreeing with them.

There are a substantial number of people in the Democratic Party — almost exclusively coastal, almost exclusively white, almost exclusively higher-educated — that would rather lose and feel superior about themselves than have to go through the trouble to do the stuff it takes necessary to win an election. And as long as that philosophy is part of the Democratic coalition, it is going to continue to cause unbelievable damage to our electoral prospects. I cannot say it any simpler than that.

Elon Musk and an anonymous 4chan user #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #god-complex #sexist independent.co.uk

Elon Musk has used his large platform on X to promote a theory that a free-thinking “Republic” could only exist under the decision-making of “high status males” – and women or “low T men” would not be welcome in it.

On Sunday, Musk re-posted a screenshot of the theory – which appears to have been conceived on 4chan in 2021– on the social media site.

The theory, written by an anonymous user, suggests that the only people able to think freely are “high [testostrone] alpha males” and “aneurotypical people”, and that these “high status males” should run a “Republic” that is “only for those who are free to think.”

“People who can’t defend themselves physically (women and low T men) parse information through a consensus filter as a safety mechanism,” the post reads.

“Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical people (hey autists!) are actually free to parse new information with an objective ‘is this true?’ filter,” it adds. “This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.”

“Interesting observation,” Musk said, in response to the post.

Kaiser #sexist #elitist #fundie #wingnut #homophobia hiddendominion.com

[From “Should Women Be Allowed To Vote?”]

I had two voting-related questions come up[…]
•What are your thoughts on women voting?
•What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?[…]

What are your thoughts on women voting? Should women be allowed to vote?

My answer is no
“Why Not?” is explained in answering #2

What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?

If we’re going to have voting at all in our future political system, the voting system itself needs to change to have these two new components:
The voting system must be oversight voting, not direct voting or representational voting. I.e., we should not vote directly for leaders or laws[…]
Voting must be done solely by families[…]
••To get a vote, one must be married with kids (in a traditional Biblical marriage)[…]
••Divorced? Lost the vote. Single parent? No vote[…]
••Families should only get one vote. A family should be in consensus or it shouldn’t be voting, anyway. Since the Bible says that the man is the head of the household, he should fulfill the family vote requirement. This renders women voting moot[…]
This process is similar, but more formal and voting-based, to how the average people “overseen” the monarchy in many nations during Christendom[…]They “overseen” through rioting, financial rebellion, or other pushback methods against the king. This kind of voting system is a simple way to get that same outcome without the old Middle Ages bloodshed[…]
With this, we could return to the last time our civilization was working well (Christendom). But we’d still be able to incorporate a hedge against totalitarianism[…]
We don’t have to have voting, but I’d prefer it if we structured it like this. Oversight voting by family is the way to go[…]
My sympathies in advance to all those who will be offended: Single men, women, sodomites, the divorced, and everyone else alike. This position may seem “extreme”

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #elitist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Ten Things I Hate About my Fellow Americans

1) America is made up of dupes, fools, and morons. How else can you explain over 60% of the population voluntarily injecting themselves with a fake vaccine for a phony virus?
Who else but a complete retard would do such a thing?.
3) Americans are filled with false pride that prevents them from admitting when they are wrong. This one is a head-scratcher. If someone shows me truthful evidence that counters a belief I have, I'm the first to say, "You know, you're right. I was wrong about that."
5) Americans are an unjust and immoral people. A truly just and moral people wouldn't stand for what we've seen transpire over the last two decades and longer. They simply wouldn't. The freaks and traitors would be tarred and feathered, or worse. None of the problems we're facing today would exist if Americans were just and moral.

6) Americans have no understanding of history. None. They were duped into fighting World War I, duped into fighting World War II, duped into fighting two Persian Gulf Wars. They think the Civil War was fought over slavery.
7) Americans are demonically possessed. I've written about this before.
Because so many Americans are demonically possessed, and because demons attract other demons, we have demonically possessed trannies posing as First Ladies, pop stars, and female athletes - and demonically possessed soy boys jerking off to their images.
10) Americans are baby-killers. Is there anything more evil or satanic than the murder or mutilation of an innocent child? Americans are all-in on both counts. They support the murder and genocide of Palestinian children. They support trannyism and the sexual mutilation of children. They support it all, and the worst ones of the bunch are the fake Christians who complain about Communism, but support Zionism. I shudder to think of the fate that awaits them when they are cast into the deepest and darkest pits of hell.

Hammerhand #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

If Kanye West couldn't get blacks on mass to vote for Trump, he should stop wasting his time pandering to them. Blacks might be intellectually inferior but at least they have the common sense and streetsmarts to understand that the GOP is majority white party. They don't care about values such as individualism, free market capitalism, and meritocracy because those ideals don't resonate with their psyche and culture which glorifies savagery, degeneracy, and low IQ behavior. Blacks know they can't win in a fair and honest competition with other races which explains why the Democrats know how to appeal to their pathological behavior. It is so sad that Trump and the GOP is so out of touch with their core audience.

John Wahl #wingnut #elitist msn.com

Today’s contestant is John Wahl, chairman of the Alabama Republican Party[…]
Before Wahl ascended to lead the state GOP party, he worked as a butterfly farmer in Limestone County. If that sounds made up, it’s not, and he has a YouTube channel to show for it

Last week, Wahl appeared on the Jeff Poor radio show, where he spoke in circles about what they want to do to you. They, if you were wondering, includes Democrats, mainstream media, elites, globalists, and so on

Even though most other media are still focused on President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Wahl and Poor got bored talking about that after barely five minutes, when they pivoted to …

America: Democracy or Republic?

As we have discussed before, the question is complicated as “democracy” and “republic” are not themselves scientific classifications. These aren’t butterflies we’re talking about. You can’t say one of these things is distinct from the other, as you can between a monarch and a hickory-horned devil[…]
According to Wahl, a democracy is something different than a republic — something dangerous, because it leads to a third category we haven’t touched on before

“The mainstream media wants us to think of ourselves as a democracy because that leads to socialism,” Wahl said on the program

For Wahl, socialism is bad — firmly in the they/them category — and something to be avoided at all costs. And we are sliding down this slippery slope, he says, because even some Republicans refer to America as a democracy

“We, as a party, have allowed this to happen,” Wahl said. “If you go back and you watch Ronald Reagan, every time Ronald Reagan spoke of our nation, he said ‘our republic,’ and we have lost that. Even our Republican elected officials call us a democracy far too often, and we are not”

Guardians of the Galaxy via Jahn J Kassl #ufo #magick #elitist #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Because with the Earth, the entire galaxy in which the Earth is embedded rises, and this means that the entire galaxy is involved in this process and all planets and forms of being involved are supported and accompanied by the Guardians of the Galaxy in their desires and in their alignment with the light. Neither the individual human being nor the planet Earth are left to fend for themselves.

It is necessary to see the ascension in a larger context, because there are still too many people who see themselves as lone fighters instead of perceiving the vast number of like-minded people on earth and related worlds. The fact that the ascension must be thought of on a larger scale and perceived more widely means that the ascension cannot fail.

Those who stay away from this process have good reasons. Those who do not attach importance to this elevation know why. Individual entities will neither enter into their history nor exit it. They fear the light instead of welcoming it. They want to stay in the earthly game until they too come to an end with their individual experiences. Then the fog will lift and man will see his soul in its true light.

What needs to be done will be done, what wants to be experienced will be experienced, what needs to be completed will find completion at the appointed hour – for many people in a time after this time:

● Therefore, these people cannot be reached by your help!

● That is why people do not want to be saved, but rather to be understood and accepted in their decisions!

● That is why they reject your invitation to inner reflection, because what has not yet reached maturity cannot be harvested.

● As you attune to ascension, these people are diving deep into this matrix.

● While you are looking for the light within yourself, these people are blinded by the light outside.

● While you are diving into the ocean of GOD’s love, these people are colliding with their self-chosen godless reality.

Boskov01 #homophobia #elitist #fundie deviantart.com

It's why I proudly display the hashtag #NotAnAlly in my profiles, because we were warned, loudly, repeatedly, what allowing gay marriage to become legal would lead to. The Slippery Slope was proven true. I defy anyone to prove me wrong. The argument was that they'd come for our children, and here we are, fighting tooth and nail to try and protect our kids from being mutilated or groomed by these sick bastards!

Yeah, you have the ones that just want to live their lives, but they do nothing to police and stop the pedophiles and child mutilators. When we started calling out the groomers that wanted to dance in front of kids, the groomers went and hid behind a pride flag, pointing at us and screaming "Homophobes!" rallying the rest of the alphabet mob against us.

And do I need to mention things like the Hogwarts Legacy controversy, where innocent people like Pikamee/Henya got bullied and harassed by the troons and their supporters? It's shit like that, that only turns more people against them.

But like I say, we were warned what would happen. And it's not like we had much choice once Obergfell came down from SCOTUS. God willing though, we'll get a SCOTUS one day in the future that'll overturn Obergfell so that then we can move to ban and outlaw the alphabets once again, to bring us back to sanity and decency again.

And history shows that day is likely to come sooner than some of us believe. Just like when the Roman Empire fell, the alphabet nonsense that was running rampant in their day, saw a hard snap back to morality and decency, sending the alphabets screaming back into the closet for nearly 2000 years. And America is tracking just like the Roman Empire is in its decline. It's only a matter of time.

However, I will say that it does feel like this year's pride month was more subdued and mellow by comparison to last year. I suspect the troons got such a huge backlash to their disgusting behavior that they toned it down to avoid the headlines highlighting their disgusting behavior. Plus it's an election year and they probably realize that their degeneracy is going to cost the Democrats votes. We'll see what happens next June. After all, troon acceptance has been in steady decline as of late. So hopefully the alphabet sickness will be coming to an end before we know it.

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #fundie #racist #elitist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Slowly and with great sacrifice of time and energy – especially after Al Gore(bechev) gifted us with the Internet, we, the truth tellers have been able to dig deep and expose the vile corruption and plans to destroy these united States of America. The created decided they are more powerful than the Creator for great wealth and influence. Personally, I believe most of them do not believe in the one, true God of the Universe.

Many of the puppets who sold their soul to Satan are familiar to the American people. Hussein Obama is not and can never be constitutionally eligible to be president as clearly written in the U.S. Constitution. Comrade Obama got away with it because of cowards in the Republican Party, judges and foolish herds of Caucasians suffering from “white guilt”. Those dullards forgot Obama is half white and half black.

Marxist Comrade Obama said once elected he would begin the complete “transformation of America”. He sure did by deliberately encouraging race baiting; number one on his list. Racism, the good old stand-by. Divide Americans based on propaganda and lies.

However, things didn’t go the way the Destroyers thought their grand schemes would could be shoved down our throats using the Internet. At least as far as timing is concerned. Americans were waking up, getting informed and educated and began to fight back. And still today, there are millions and millions of Americans I call the Unreachables. Fools.
Those who doubt the awesome but evil power of secret societies are in denial because denial is a much more comfortable place to exist. It’s much easier to accept all the lies, all the time. To acknowledge the level of deceit and betrayal by almost every president for more than a century, as well as ‘revered’ business magnates and members of the Outlaw Congress is simply too much for trusting Americans. So many millions who truly do not understand how brutal and ugly “the game” is and how it’s been affecting their lives.

Aiyen #elitist #wingnut datasecretslox.com

[In response to a climate protester pouring red powder on the US Constitution display case at the National Archives.]

Just keep them as permanent slaves. We don't want this style of protest to spread, and nipping it in the bud is the easiest way to stop it. Destroying value for the sake of destroying value, and with a bad cause to start with? Yeah, they're free labor now.

Fschmidt #elitist #psycho #god-complex saidit.net

I am a reactionary. As a reactionary, I voted for gay marriage in California in the 1990s when it lost the vote because I believe that the government has no business regulating marriage which was historically a religious institution and should be that way again. As a reactionary, I strongly support abortion which is eugenic and kills unborn liberals and is supported in the Old Testament and not opposed in the New Testament. Christians who claim that the Bible is against abortion are ignorant morons. As a reactionary, I hate conservatives and liberals equally.

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #wingnut #elitist rightwingwatch.org

Joel Webbon is a Christian nationalist pastor at Covenant Bible Church in Texas[…]
Webbon also hosts a podcast called “Theology Applied,” which he uses to promote his far-right theology, as he did during a recent episode[…]
[quote=RightWingWatchWebbon says Americans are “degenerates” and therefore the Constitution doesn’t work anymore, so this nation needs a Caesar-like dictator who “Constitution be dammed, just rules with an iron fist”
—Right Wing Watch May 8, 2024

Last month, Webbon delivered a sermon called “Why Many Christians Don’t Want A Christian Nation”[…]
“Men must be governed,” he continued. “[…]Ideally, men would govern themselves … but when you don’t have a populace that is capable of self-governance—when the fruit of the Spirit that is self-control has left the building for decades and nobody seems to have it—then men must be governed”[…]
Webbon said that “must be governed” by someone who will “outwardly legislate in accordance with God’s law” and grant “special privileges and favor for his people.” When that happens[…]it will influence all the weak, ignorant people in the nation to begin to identify as Christians and “start putting a Christian flag in their bio on social media because they’re not free thinkers, they’re not courageous, they’re not intelligent”[…]
Webbon asserted that throughout human history, the proper form of government has always consisted of God appointing “some kind of ruler who is unapologetically Christian and he comes in with a sword and says, ‘I’m sorry, but lawlessness and wickedness will not be tolerated anymore'”

“He doesn’t go around forcing conversions,” Webbon insisted, “[…]what he does is he forces external morality. He doesn’t force a change of heart; only the Gospel can do that. But what a king can do is he can say, ‘Whether you’re regenerate or not, you’re going to pretend'”