State of the Nation #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot

The malevolent perps behind this unrelenting and “withering weather warfare waged” against the American Republic will not stop until they have accomplished their nefarious goals. Therefore, the only way out of this rapidly deteriorating predicament is to share this exposé with everyone and anyone. When good folks come to understand that they are being continually victimized in this manner, surely they will rise up to terminate those who attack them with technologically advanced weaponry that’s as devastating as nuclear bombs.

Remember, this Hurricane Sally weather bomb was a highly sophisticated false flag attack on the American people just like Hurricane Harvey was and the ongoing California firestorms are today. These are in fact very stealthy false flag operations blamed on Mother Nature, although most of them are first created by the geoengineers if they’re not hijacked. Then they are meticulously manipulated and aimed at a selected geopolitical target to have an overwhelming “shock and awe” effect.

The Patriot Movement must put a stop to this weather warfare post-haste before much of the body politic has been paralyzed and is unable to act. Only when the citizenry correctly comprehends their plight can they respond appropriately … and before it’s too late!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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