Rick1 #racist kentucky.com

If posting the 10 commandments upset so many and they must be removed because they are in public places, then let me tell you what pissed me off and I'm tired of having it rammed down my throat and that is Spanish!!!

Every Courthouse in America must post all signs in English and Spanish...why, this is an English speaking country and if you are so pissed about the 10 Commandments being in public places, why aren't you screaming for the removal of all the Spanish signs??...that is being shoved down your throats alot more than the commandments.

At every ATM, you must push a button for English, yet no one complains..but show the 10 commandments and all hell breaks lose..

If the beliefs that this country was founded on upset you so much, then why are you here??

Have the Spanish signs removed and then you can remove the 10 commandments but not until..



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