“If posting the 10 commandments upset so many and they must be removed because they are in public places, then let me tell you what pissed me off and I'm tired of having it rammed down my throat and that is Spanish!!!”
This nation has NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE, dork.
The 10C is removed if it violates the Constitution.
Not because people are offended.
“Every Courthouse in America must post all signs in English and Spanish...”
We have a lot of Spanish-speaking citizens. They have the same rights you do.
“why, this is an English speaking country”
Except it’s not.
“and if you are so pissed about the 10 Commandments being in public places, why aren't you screaming for the removal of all the Spanish signs??”
You’re mixing apples and applejack. And, again, no one has a right to not be offended.
“...that is being shoved down your throats alot more than the commandments.”
‘Spanish’ is not a church.
“At every ATM, you must push a button for English, yet no one complains..but show the 10 commandments and all hell breaks lose..”
In 1905 or so, SCOTUS determined that if you live in a society and gain benefits from that society, you have obligations due to that society. OUR government repr Tesents English- and Spanish-speakers. Thus YOUR happy ass has the obligation of pushing a button. The INCREDIBLY ONEROUS BURDEN of pushing a single button.
“If the beliefs that this country was founded on upset you so much, then why are you here??”
Most of the ten commandments are not constutitional. HOW can the country of FREEDOM OF RELIGION be founded on “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” It’s a non-starter.
“Have the Spanish signs removed and then you can remove the 10 commandments but not until..”
Newsflash, we don’t need your permission to remove your superstition.