Why do women have to be such sluts?
I just want to be able to approach and speak to girls without knowing that there is a 95% chance that she has fucked 20 men already. I don't want to feel like I am wasting my time being romantically invested if she is going to leave me 2 weeks later or fuck chad behind my back.
Setting aside the fictional nature of "Chad", sounds like you're a) in middle or high school, home of the 2 week relationship, and b) not ready for a relationship.
And again, it seems that they're only sluts if they won't exclusively have sex with you... Do y'all ever tire of that bullshit line?
If I had to guess, and going by most women I know, I'd say the percentage of women who have cheated on a boyfriend or husband is very very low. Not saying it never happens because obviously it does, but it's nowhere near the 100% these incel idiots think it is.
If you were not so damn insecure you would be more focused on who she is with at that moment rather than her past history. You'd be more focused on being her LAST boyfriend, the one she sticks with, rather than her first. But then, if you were not so damn insecure you wouldn't be on the incel thread, would you?
I just want to be able to approach and speak to girls without knowing that there is a 95% chance that she has fucked 20 men already.
Knowing how many men she's slept with will only come up in the first conversation if you have a single-track mind and, in either thought, word or action, are only capable of focusing on a single thing ever.
And believe me when I say the woman with multiple partners is far, far less pathetic than the little boy who doesn't know anything but insists being a woman, especially one who's had all those partners, somehow makes her an infinitely lesser being.
I don't want to feel like I am wasting my time being romantically invested if she is going to leave me 2 weeks later or fuck chad behind my back.
Look, I know you think everyone else resists change as fervently as you do because the only people you hold actual conversations with are other "incels" who are at least as lazy and entitled as you are (because you'll ban anyone who shows any signs of actual improvement), but just because someone has slept with multiple people in the past doesn't mean they're automatically going to continue doing so under any circumstances whatsoever.
And I don't think you'll have to worry about them leaving you in two weeks, either. Either you're going to stay exactly as hateful and willfully ignorant about everything as you are now and you'll never even get a chance, or you'll actually improve and start thinking about something other than your own dick and you might actually find someone who wants to be around you. Although I highly doubt that latter option when it comes to any of your ilk.
Maybe if you'd also realize that there's more to women than the "Stacey" strawman you dipshits lust after and despise in equal measure, and even then I'm willing to bet that the average party girl usually wakes up with hangover and not a different "Chad" every morning or, as shocking as it may seem, she has a boyfriend*, you might not realize that not all women are "sluts".
*Even then, these manbabies would probably consider her to be a "slut" because she's fucking a guy who isn't them.
If they're such sluts why won't they fuck you?
1. They're not sluts, they just have standards.
2. They are sluts but their standards are still too high for you to get laid.
>2. They are sluts but their standards are still too high for you to get laid.
When even a "slut" considers you to be a solid avoid, you have to take a good hard look in the mirror.
Oh that's right, this is "incels" we're talking about here; they have no self-awareness.
Silly me!
“I just want to be able to approach and speak to girls without knowing that there is a 95% chance that she has fucked 20 men already.”
Well, you might try NOT taking incel myths as facts. Those fuckers just want you to hate women as much as they do, so they won’t feel so alone.
But just think it over. What are the odds that jealous little misogynists know how often living women actually fuck? Women they won’t ever talk to, much less get a straight answer from?
" I don't want to feel like I am wasting my time being romantically invested if she is going to leave me 2 weeks later or fuck chad behind my back.”
Do you really want a girlfriend or are you here to whine about how ’it’s over’ already?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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