Various commenters #sexist
Re: California : Negro steals deputy's gun, shoots her
Women should not be cops and blacks should be sent to Africa.
Standards have been lowered greatly across police departments and the military to accommodate women. Women are not an asset in the field they are a liability. A sheriff's department in California had to change their service weapons because women were too weak to handle the trigger pull needed to fire the weapons. That will only lead to more accidents.
There have been many incidents where female police officers have been overpowered by male criminals, some of them being killed.
This not only endangers the life of that female officer, but it endangers the lives of all police officers working with that weaker female officer.
I only agree with the "blacks should be sent to Africa" part.
As a cop, you only agree because you aren't a cop. All women are useless on the force. Period.
Standards have been lowered greatly across police departments and the military to accommodate women. Women are not an asset in the field they are a liability. A sheriff's department in California had to change their service weapons because women were too weak to handle the trigger pull needed to fire the weapons. That will only lead to more accidents.
Indeed, standards for basic training have been lowered. I remember when you had to be over 6'0 to be a cop.
Most women should not be cops, manlets too. I've talked to NYC cops who say in certain precincts, it's forbidden to partner up a female with a male, they're always put with another female. Captains actually care and know that two women can't get into too much trouble together.
(Last To Speak)
Police should not be in a "shoot first" mindset. They should be able to subdue non armed individuals with non lethal means, be it a baton, taser, or even fists. Most police officers, therefore, should be more physically equipped than the vast majority of the population. With that in mind, 9/10 female police do not belong. They simply do not have the capacity to use anything other than lethal options should they encounter any type of violence. And, should someone get the drop on them, such as here, they may be overpowered in a moment and are murdered by their own gun. This happens to plenty of men, too, but it is far more likely with a woman.
This goes for firefighters, too. I work directly with firefighters every day as part of my job. They most definitely accommodate women's weaknesses to improve department diversity. One of the core elements of being a firefighter is being able to drag a brother out of a burning structure should something occur. I see firefighters I can only describe as "girls". They're 22 years old, 5'1", and 110 pounds. If they were in a structure and a 200 pound fellow firefighter were to become incapacitated he would burn to death because they couldn't drag him out. Again, this is true 9/10 times. I have met a couple of women firefighters who could easily meet the standards required. Most, the vast majority, don't. Firefighters are well aware of this and that is most certainly why there is "sexism" in fire services.
Standards should exist for these professions. They should not be altered for anyone. Cognitive or physical.
Like others have said, freaking embarrassment. Solid proof women should not be cops. Her instagram photos were hilarious!!!
How the eff do you get overpowered by a skinny affro'd, half black half mexican teenager??????? And then you're screaming and stuff?
WHO THE F, LETS HIM GET THE GUN AND THEN YOU RUN???? A masculine cop woulda beat his a** at that close of range. What a moron of he has the gun and you try to jog away dibilitated for 20 to 35 yards.
This video just shows how much worse women in the military would be than this. Of imagine women in a combat zone in a live gun fight, vs taliban and al-qaeda in their own homeland. Of women screaming and crying, of dropping their weapons or getting disarmed, and then::: Instead of the female soldiers using their combat knife or hand to hand combat, the women just start fleeing jogging away?
It's much better to have tall, strong men as cops, than individuals who can be easily overpowered by street thugs.
Remember that a big percentage of the people that cops have to deal with are drunk, stoned or stupid.
A friend of mine told me a cop, he knew, once complained that every time he went into a bar with a female cop as "back up" to deal with a situation; there would be a fight.
In general I agree that most women should not be cops. My last two interactions with cops both involved female cops. One was in Australia where she was probably only 5' 0" and overweight but partnered with a huge male cop well over 6 feet and heavily built. But both looked like they couldn't run 50 feet before collapsing.
When I went to the US this year I had to talk to the cops and they sent two females. Both huge lard asses who wouldn't be able to do one sit up or push up. And surprisingly dumb as hell too (although that can apply to males as well)
And about a month ago I was parked across the street from the local area Police command and noticed a severely disabled guy walking along - the kind of walk that is so weird it's painful just to watch it. He sort of had to throw half his body forward and follow it up with the other half to move. Yes he was an armed cop. I assume he was only doing administrative duties but still it occurred to me almost anyone could push that guy over and take his weapon.
All this because they have to be "Equal Opportunity Employers" which is just ludicrous.
Women should not be general patrol officers. They're needed for dealing with female victims of domestic violence and investigative work but beat cops no way. The height restrictions for males should be reintroduced too in those areas which got rid of them.
Sadly, this happens all the time because women think they can do everything men do. But this isn't a movie, where you see women overpowering men.
She was lucky.