Rekkington #fundie
Kind of, but not really. That's the lie that the left is telling itself now. It's not that people actually believe in the things Trump ran on, it's that Hillary was just a bad gamble and all they need is the exact same rhetoric in a cooler package. That's what they believe: Hillary wasn't cool or charismatic enough. Nevermind that Trump spergs on Twitter and says dumb shit and his supporters don't care.
Because Trump supporters don't need him to be cool, and carry hot sauce in his pocket, and have Ellen on his side. To this day, the left still grapples with this. Every time they call him fat, or has weird hair, or he's orange, they think anybody gives a shit because that's what they care about. Trust me, I live in Canada and last time we elected a leftist haircut with a landslide.
Yes Hillary fucked everything up by being lazy, but the reason the left will continue to lose is they refuse to admit that a sizable percentage of America does not like the anti-white rhetoric, all the tranny normalization, the acceptance of illegal immigrants, among other things. They actually, genuinely liked the things Trump had to say and what he represented. Until the left is willing top acknowledge this, they will drift further and further into some baffling gated-community daydream.
Why did Trump sweep through the Republicans? The same reason Maxime Bernier is sweeping up support from the Conservative Party: conservatives have become Slow Liberals, just agreeing to the movement 5 years later. They have no spine. People old enough to notice this are looking for anything that resembles pushback.
This is what may very well get Trump a second term. Who was the wunderkind they just tested out and ran across all the headlines and talk shows? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A borderline exceptional Puerto-Rican socialist who retweets rappers. There's no evidence I can see that they will not continue down this road.