various commenters #racist #sexist
Brazilian fertility clinics look to American Whites
With “jewel-tone eyes,” blond hair and a “smattering of light freckles,” Othello looks nothing like most Brazilians, the majority of whom are black or mixed-race. Yet the “Caucasian” American cashier, described in those terms by the Seattle Sperm Bank and known as Donor 9601, is one of the sperm providers most often requested by wealthy Brazilian women importing the DNA of young U.S. men at unprecedented rates.
Brazilian Fertility Clinics Look to American White Guys | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform
Demand for American Sperm Is Skyrocketing in Brazil << Economics Job Market Rumors
(Blusnayl) is curious that the female preference for donors of nordic background, is one aspect of racism that seems to never be reported by any mainstream institutional outlet.
Perhaps it has something to do with the awkward conflict between two distinct liberal ideologies that would have to be addressed: Racism vs. women's birth choices/rights.
In perspective, it makes sense that mainstream instutions avoid addressing or reporting on the topic altogether.
White sperm donors are requested in sperm clinics all over the whole world, not just in Brazil. Everyone on earth wants a light skinned child, whether they will actually admit it or not. Skin whitening cosmetics and pills are a huge business in majority non White countries. You don’t see those products on the shelves too much in majority White countries, but everywhere in Africa, South America, India, all Asian countries people are buying and using skin lighteners, even Asians who are already pretty light. Light skinned children are the choice of sex traffickers too, since they will fetch the most money.
When I was little my family took a trip to Mexico, and my parents said that everybody in Mexico fussed over me so much and complimented me that it actually freaked them out, and they ended up flying home early and ending the trip because they were worried somebody was going to try to kidnap me. Always keep a close eye on your kids, especially when traveling to Non White countries!
I like this idea. Yeah it's not perfect or ideal, but it sounds kind of nice for the world to become whiter through using white nordic sperm.
In mexico they look down on brown people and they look up to light skinned people (for very valid reasons!) and the mexican men are crazy about blonde women.